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Tags: soils
- Dataset VT 1985 Sugarbush Survey Soil Data By Plot (Score: 1)
- Dataset Soil chemistry in forested Catskill headwater catchments (Score: 0.76)
- Dataset Adiantum Ecological Data (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Soil Sampling in the Sugarbush 1996 (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Chloroform in Soil Gas (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Whiteface Soil Data (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Soil Sampling Identifying Information (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Geological and Soil Characteristics of Forest Health Monitoring Plots (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Long Term Vegetation Site Data (Score: 0.62)
- Dataset Vegetation Analysis: Vegetation Survey Physical (Score: 0.62)
- Dataset Vegetation Analysis: Vegetation Survey Site (Score: 0.62)
- Dataset Effects of elevation on the productivity of white birch: Soil data (Score: 0.62)
- Dataset Core Soil Chemistry (Score: 0.54)
- Dataset Soil sample descriptions (Score: 0.54)
- Project Mercury and Dissolved Organic Carbon in Soil Water and Stream Water (Score: 0.53)
- Project Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) (Score: 0.53)
- Project Tracing Nitrogen in Northern Forest Soils (Score: 0.53)
- Project Controls on Forest Soil Carbon Storage (Score: 0.53)
- Project Soil mass and chemistry in 25 Catskill headwater catchments (Score: 0.53)
- Dataset Birch Productivity Soil Data (Score: 0.53)
- Dataset Tree Nutrition (Score: 0.53)
- Dataset Forest Ecosystem Management Demonstration Project: Soil 2002 (Score: 0.53)
- Dataset Lye Brook SCAN Data 2000-2014 (Score: 0.53)
- Dataset Soil carbon and nitrogen plot means (Score: 0.5)
- Dataset Sugarbush Survey 1977-1988 (Score: 0.5)
- Dataset Anions and Cations (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Soil Water Data (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Baseline Tree Nutrition Data for Long-Term Soil Monitoring Plots (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Cations data (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Indicators of Acid Stress in Northeastern Forest Soil Methane Oxidizing Communities (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Catskills Soil Pit Coordinates (Score: 0.44)
- Project Sources & Sinks of Chloroform and its Precursors (Score: 0.44)
- Project Soil Temperature Gradients in a Northern Hardwood Forest (Score: 0.44)
- Project Cross-site Study of Soil Nitrification and Stream Nitrate Export (Score: 0.44)
- Project Limitations on Availability of Forest Soil Nitrogen for Tree Growth (Score: 0.44)
- Project Ecology & Evolution of the Adiantum pedatum complex in the Green Mountains (Score: 0.44)
- Project 1977-1985 Vermont Sugarbush Health Survey (Score: 0.44)
- Project Assessing Biological Mercury Hotspots in Montane Ecosystems of the Northern Forest (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Tritium in Groundwater (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Mt. Whiteface: Climate Data 2001-2003 (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Mercury and Dissolved Organic Carbon in Soil Water (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Soil Temperature Gradient Paired Plot Set 1 (ADC logger), 1997 to 2001 (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Soil Temperature Gradient Paired Plot Set 2 (Campbell logger), 1997 to 2001 (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Lye Brook Nitrate Flux (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Plot Identifying Information (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Soil Data (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset Red Maple Seedling Soil Warming Experiment in Harvard Forest Lath House 2015 (Score: 0.44)
- Dataset VT 1977 1985 Sugarbush Survey Summary Data (Score: 0.44)
- Project Forest Ecosystem Management Demonstration Project: Carabid/Collembola population impacts of management practices in high elevation northern hardwood stands: Pretreatment population/soil characteristic (Score: 0.38)
- Project Biomolecular Indicators of Acid Stress (Score: 0.38)
- Project Effects of Beech Bark Disease and Soil Calcium on a Northern Hardwood Forest (Score: 0.38)
- Project Plant-Available Forest Soil Calcium Reduced by Half from 1930s to 2006 in Adirondacks (Score: 0.38)
- Project Raise the Blade (Score: 0.38)
- Dataset Soil Chemical Analysis (Score: 0.38)
- Dataset Anions March 2000 (Score: 0.38)
- Dataset Streamflow and Water Quality Monitoring on Mt. Mansfield 1993-1999 (Score: 0.38)
- Dataset Soil nitrification rates and associated soil and landscape metrics (Score: 0.38)
- Dataset Plot Visit Information (Score: 0.38)
- Dataset Sampling Schedule (Score: 0.38)
- Project EMMA Weather Station Data - Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies (Score: 0.35)
- Project EMMA Weather Station Data - Vassar Farm and Ecological Preserve at Collins Field Station (Score: 0.35)
- Dataset Cary Institute Hourly Weather Data (Score: 0.35)
- Dataset Cary Institute Daily Weather Data (Score: 0.35)
- Project Effects of Acidic Deposition on Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems of Class I Wilderness Areas (Score: 0.31)
- Project EMMA Weather Station Data - Louis Calder Center (Score: 0.31)
- Project EMMA Weather Station Data - Huyck Preserve (Score: 0.31)
- Project EMMA Weather Station Data - New York Botanical Garden (Score: 0.31)
- Project EMMA Weather Station Data - Teatown Lake Reservation (Score: 0.31)
- Project Long-term Managed Forest Soil Monitoring for Carbon and Nutrients (Score: 0.31)
- Dataset Moosilauke Data: East Peak 2001-2002 (Score: 0.31)
- Dataset Moosilauke Data: Lodge 2001-2003 (Score: 0.31)
- Dataset Transect Identifying Data - General (Score: 0.31)
- Dataset Transect Identifying Data - Specific (Score: 0.31)
- Dataset Mount Mansfield SCAN Data 2000-current (Score: 0.31)
- Dataset Daniel Smiley Research Center Weather Station (EMMA) (Score: 0.31)
- Dataset Site Identifying Information (Score: 0.31)
- Dataset Understory Herbaceous Cover (Score: 0.31)
- Dataset Understory Herbaceous Plant List (Score: 0.31)
- Dataset Percent Coverage (Score: 0.31)
- Dataset Phenology and Vegetation Growth in Prospect Hill Soil Warming Experiment at Harvard Forest 1992-1993 (Score: 0.31)
- Project Vermont Long-Term Soil Monitoring Program (Score: 0.25)
- Dataset Coarse Woody Debris data (Score: 0.25)