Student Parking

Parking permits are required, but hangtags are no longer necessary. The license plate number of the vehicle you register will serve as the key identifier for your assigned campus parking privileges. Physical hangtags and placards have been replaced by virtual permits and license plate recognition (LPR) technology.

Parking during Holidays, Breaks, Recesses and the Reading and Exam Period

Permits are required and all lot restrictions are enforced during student breaks, recesses, and the reading and exam period per the university's Academic Calendar.

A campus parking permit is not required nor are lot restrictions enforced on UVM Administrative Holidays.

Additional Important Details

  • You must monitor your University email regularly for updates and important notices
  • Parking options may contain deadlines, and in most circumstances, be available on a first come, first-served basis unless noted otherwise.
  • Eligibility to purchase a parking permit is determined by the student's local address and class status. Verification of the address on a student's application is necessary either by data imported by the Department of Residential Life, or in the case of commuters, by a copy of a signed lease or two pieces of mail addressed to the applicant.
  • Student parking permits are defined as either residential (on-campus residents residing in campus housing under the authority of University Residential Life) or commuter (off-campus residents). Please identify the parking permit that applies to you, select the appropriate permit, and review the details.