Enroll in the Course in Brightspace
Go to Brightspace, and log in with your UVM NetID:
Click the blue "enroll" button to self enroll and start the course.

Complete the Course
To begin the course, go to Content and Activities on the green navigation bar at the top of the course page.
Click on Start the Course and watch the video.
When the video is over, use the arrows located in the upper or lower right-hand corner of the video window to navigate to the quiz.
You may take the quiz as many times as you need to get 10 out of 10 answers correct. After finishing the quiz, click on Submit Quiz to see your grade.
Click on Done to go to your Submissions page to see your score for all attempts.
Download Your Completion Certificate
After taking the course and quiz, click on C0ntent & Activities in the green navigation bar at the top of the page.
Click on Completion Certificate in the left column.
Click on Access the Completion Certificate.
Under Certificates, click on the course name.
In the window that opens, scroll down to the bottom and click Generate Certificate.
This will generate and download your completion certificate.