Completing "TPS 001: Parking Permit Course" is a prerequisite for all UVM employees and students who would like to obtain a parking permit. Below you will find instruction on how to register, complete the course, and provide TPS with your completion certificate. If you are managing an existing permit you can enter the portal here.

Take The Course

Go to this URL, and log in with your UVM NetID:


Once there, click on the blue “Enroll in Course” button:

(Note: if you are already enrolled in the course, you’ll see something slightly different, i.e. “Open Course”)


Get Your Completion Certificate

After taking the course and quiz, click on CONTENT & ACTIVITIES in the green navigation bar at the top of the page.

Click on COMPLETION CERTIFICATE in the left column.


Under CERTIFICATES, click on the course name.

In the window that opens, scroll down to the bottom and click GENERATE CERTIFICATE.

This will generate and download your completion certificate.

Include This Certificate as an Attachment to Your Parking Permit Application

When you have downloaded your certificate you may apply for your parking permit at