Motorcycles, motor driven cycles, and motor-assisted bicycles with internal combustion engines are defined as motor vehicles and require a campus parking permit. These vehicles, like any motor vehicle, are not allowed parking in non-designated parking areas, including bicycle racks, grass areas, walkways, and inside or directly adjacent to buildings. The university reserves the right to enforce this regulation by ticketing and removal by towing without notice.
The following definitions are in accordance with VT State Statue: Title 23: Motor Vehicles
Motor Assisted Bicycle
Motor-assisted bicycles with internal combustion engines are not allowed parking at bicycle racks and require a university parking permit. Any bicycle or tricycle with fully operable pedals and has power output of not more than 1,000 watts or 1.3 horsepower and is capable of producing a top speed of no more than 20 miles per hour on a paved level surface by an operator who weighs 170 pounds. Except as provided in this subsection, motor-assisted bicycles shall be governed as bicycles under Vermont law, and operators of motor-assisted bicycles shall be subject to all of the rights and duties applicable to bicyclists under Vermont law. Motor-assisted bicycles and their operators shall be exempt from motor vehicle registration and inspection and operator's license requirements. A person shall not operate a motor-assisted bicycle on a sidewalk in Vermont. Bicycles are to be parked at designated Campus Bike Racks.
A motorcycle shall mean any motor vehicle with an engine or motor size of 50 cubic centimeters or greater having a seat or saddle for use of the rider and is designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground.
Motor Driven Cycle
Commonly referred to as mopeds or scooters, these are any vehicles equipped with two or three wheels, with an engine or motor size of 50 cubic centimeters or less which will propel the vehicle unassisted, at a speed not to exceed 30 miles per hour on a level road surface and which is equipped with a power drive system that functions directly or automatically only, not requiring clutching or shifting by the operator after the drive system is engaged. These vehicles are prohibited from parking at, adjacent to, or secured to campus bike racks.
See Motor Assisted Bicycle. Motor-assisted bicycles with internal combustion engines are not allowed parking at bicycle racks and require a university parking permit.
See Motor Driven Cycle
Motor Vehicle
Vehicles propelled or drawn by power other than muscular power
Permit Requirements
Motorcycles and Motor Driven Cycles are considered motor vehicles. All motor vehicles must display a valid state motor vehicle registration plate, require a permit to park on campus and must be parked within their designated zone during restricted hours.
How Do I Get A Parking Permit? What does it cost?
Students residing in campus housing under the authority of Residential Life (i.e. Residential Students) that are eligible for a campus parking permit will be restricted to a motor vehicle permit valid in their residential area or an area designated by Parking Services during restricted hours. This is always based upon space availability. A motor vehicle of any type will not be considered a valid or necessary mode of transportation from your campus residence to main campus, classroom areas, library, athletic campus or other campus areas during peak times and restricted hours. Commuter Students wishing to purchase a permit for their motor vehicle will be subject to the campus proximity guidelines which regulate campus parking during peak times.
Employees and other affiliates wishing to park motorcycles/motor driven cycles will be issued a motor vehicle permit for the zone in which they are eligible. There will be no charge if a valid permit has already been purchased for another motor vehicle. In this case, the motorcycles/motor driven cycles will be added as a vehicle to the existing permit and, prior to the period beginning November 16th through March 31st, may park in a dedicated MDC space or a standard parking space in a lot within the zone for which the permit is valid.
From November 16th to March 31st MDC spaces in surface lots are not available. These spaces may become blocked because of inclement weather and will not be maintained outside of this interval. During this period, permit holders with motorcycles registered for campus parking may park in designated MDC spaces within the interior levels of the Gutterson Garage or in a standard parking space within the zone of which their permit is valid.
Where and Where Not to Park!
As of August 2020, spaces designated specifically for motorcycles/motor driven cycles have been marked. Any valid permit-holder may park their motorcycles/motor driven cycles in these spaces.
- Motorcycles/motor driven cycles with valid permits are allowed parking within their designated zones within the marked boundaries of a MDC parking space. One motorcycle/motor driven cycle is allowed on each marked “M.”
Bicycles and motor assisted bicycles as defined above are the only cycles allowed at bike racks.
Where… parking in lined-out areas or within the boundaries of hash marks in your designated zone will be allowed so long as the vehicle is not parked in violation of the criteria below.*
Where Not:
Parking is prohibited in the following locations:
- Lined-out areas or areas with hash marks that do not indicate parking
- Fire escape, stair access, and ramps designed for access
- Pedestrian/walkway access or any access for disabled persons. Parking, blocking, or partially blocking walkways and cross walks is prohibited
- Inside any University building, within or adjacent to any alcove or entryway or designated bicycle storage facility.
- All vehicles with internal combustion engines are prohibited from parking at bike racks, whether secured or not, at all times.
- Operation on grass and walks or any area not designated for motor vehicles is prohibited
- All vehicles are prohibited from parking on the grass, sidewalks and roadways
- They may not be secured to trees, lamp or sign posts, hand or guard rails and bike racks.
- If found chained or parked in the improper areas, the vehicle will be ticketed and impounded by the Transportation Services office. Cost of the chain, lock, etc. shall not be reimbursed or replaced by the University.