campus bus

Find more information on:

UVM Campus Bus

GMT Local & Regional Connections

Long-Distance Travel

These resources are provided for informational purposes only. Please read all disclosures as you use these services at your own risk.

Campus Bus Service (CATS)

a uvm bus stop sign

The CATS Shuttle provides a safe and convenient shuttle service to the UVM community (students, staff and visitors).


CATS Shuttle Tracking is a live real-time tracking system for the CATS buses:

Green Mountain Transit (GMT)- Local Bus Routes and Commuter Bus Service

a green mountain bus stop

Green Mountain Transit offers unlimited access for full time faculty, staff and students. 

Link Commuter Regional Connections are GMT's regional commuter bus that service multi-towns along the way.

Bikes on GMT Buses.

Getting You To and From Home

visual of different modes of transporation

The Burlington area is served by MegaBus, Greyhound, Amtrak, Vermont Translines, and the Airport. To learn more about your options getting out of town visit  the Long-Distance Travel page.