Ph.D. Student

Department of Chemistry
University of Vermont

Discovery Hall W318
82 University Place
Burlington, Vermont 05405

Phone: +1 (802) 656-0276


B.Sc. Chemistry, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, 2018

Biography and Research Interests

Peter started his studies at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York. Originally a biochemistry major, it was his incredible chemistry professors who turned him into a hardcore chemist, and he hasn’t looked back since. Peter is deeply interested in the fundamental aspects of chemistry, finding the little details that drive the world around him is what really gets him going.

Peter’s research interests lie in the cutting-edge tools being developed for understanding and applying the effects of terahertz radiation in advanced materials. Peter is using a combination of DFT simulations and experimental terahertz time-domain spectroscopy experiments to probe the nature of vibrational motions in advanced materials. His goal is to ultimately improve the world in some way, specifically through the development of advanced electronics.

Stay tuned for lots of exciting developments from Peter!

Unraveling the Dynamic Disorder of Organic Semiconductors with Terahertz Spectroscopy


Side-Chain Torsional Dynamics Strongly Influence Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors