Report Maintenance or Technical Issues

Contact your office manager or the ResLife main office with any questions.

1. Emergency: Call 911 or UVM Police 802.656.3473

  • Things that could cause  severe bodily harm  such as fire, flood, broken sprinkler head, etc.

2. Urgent: Contact  your main desk

  • Things that cannot wait  such as no power, no heat or hot water, shattered window, cannot lock door, etc.  When halls are open during the semester, regular main desk hours are:
  • Monday to Friday: 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.
  • Weekends and UVM holidays: 12 noon to 11 p.m.
  • RAs are on duty from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. The RA on duty phone number is listed at each main desk.

3. Computer or Network Issue: 802.656.2604 or  UVM Tech Team

  • For hardware or software support, connectivity issues, and  smart TV setup  troubleshooting.

4. Routine Maintenance: Submit a Maintenance Ticket 

  • Things that can wait a day or two  such as broken blinds, clogged drain, furniture issue, light out, etc. You must have UVM NetID to submit a Maintenance Ticket.

We are excited to announce the launch of our new system for maintenance tickets, Planon! Check out our video guide to Planon. 

  • Lost Your Key?

    If you get locked out, you can borrow a temporary loaner key free up to three times a year. There is a $25 charge for a fourth lockout. If you lose your key, submit a Fix-it to request a lock change, unless you would like it done immediately. In that case, contact your main desk, RA, or UVM Police. There is a $55 charge for a lost or unreturned room key.