Profile picture for Richard Poirot

Richard Poirot

Organization: Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Vermont Division of Air Pollution Control

Affiliations: Vermont Division of Air Pollution Control, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources

Contact Information

List of Projects

Project Role Start End
Incidence of Ozone and Its Effects on Vegetation in Lye Brook Wilderness Area: Monitoring ozone concentrationsParticipant 1989-05-30 1994-09-01
Ambient Air Monitoring for OzoneProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1986-04-01 Ongoing
Fine Aerosol Monitoring: NePARTParticipant 1988-09-01 1993-11-27
Fine Particle Monitoring: Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE)Participant 1988-09-01 Ongoing
Fine Aerosol Monitoring: Ambient air monitoring for particulate matter 2.5 micrometers and smaller (PM2.5) using the federal reference methodParticipant 1999-01-01 Ongoing


Name Date Authors Type
Atmospheric mercury in Vermont and New England: Section 2c - Long-Term Wet Deposition Manuscript2009Richard Poirot, Jamie Shanley, Sean Lawson, Eric Miller, Melody Burkins, Miriam Pendleton, Gerald KeelerReport
Current knowledge of air pollution and air resource issues in the Lake Champlain Basin.1999Richard Poirot, Tim ScherbatskoyPublication
Precipitation Chemistry Monitoring Report1998Richard Poirot, Tim Scherbatskoy, Phil Girton, Miriam PendletonDocument
Precipitation Chemistry Monitoring Data Report1998Richard Poirot, Tim Scherbatskoy, Phil Girton, Miriam PendletonDocument
Precipitation Chemistry Monitoring Data Report1997Richard Poirot, Tim Scherbatskoy, Phil Girton, Miriam PendletonAnnual Report
Growing-season Ozone Monitoring at the VMC Site1991Richard Poirot, Sandra WilmotAnnual Report
NESCAUM Regional Particle Monitoring Network1991Richard PoirotAnnual Report
A long-term integrated monitoring and research cooperative.1989Richard Poirot, Tim ScherbatskoyDocument