
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
DownloadableLye Brook Nitrate FluxDetermine if watershed-wide measures of nitrification rates predict stream nitrate export.Nitrate flux and runoff measurements2002-10-01 to 2006-09-30
DownloadableSoil nitrification rates and associated soil and landscape metricsExamine the link between soil nitrification and stream nitrate export at various sites in the northeastern region. Identify factors which influence or control soil nitrification rates (NR) to understa
nd watershed N export. Examine 10 small, forested watersheds in the northeastern U.S. to investigate the relationship of topographic, vegetative, and soil controls with soil NR.

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Nitrate and ammonium concentration and rates, soil C and N measurements, other soil and landscape metrics including pH, and basal area of common tree species.2002-10-01 to 2004-09-30