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Project: Federal Forest Inventory and Analysis Data for Vermont
Dataset: Plot Condition Groups Defined By Forest Inventory and Analysis Program
- Parent Project
- Federal Forest Inventory and Analysis Data for Vermont
- Tags
- Status
- Active
- Data Availability
- Available for downloadPreparing your downloadDownload will begin momentarily...
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By downloading this data, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions described in the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative data use policy - Data License
- Another party determines the data use constraints. Visit the original catalog for more details.
- Project Lead / Principal Investigator
- Randall Morin
- Affiliation:
- Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service
- Role:
- Project Lead/Principal Investigator
- Start date:
- 1983-01-01
- Contact Information:
- E-mail:
Work phone: 610-557-4054
Full details