
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
Description onlyGaseous Elemental, Gaseous Oxidized and Particulate-Bound Mercury FluxMeasure the atmospheric concentrations of various species of mercury to better understand spatiotemporal patterns of mercury input into Vermont and the regionFlux of gaseous elemental, gaseous oxidized and particulate-bound mercury measured with automated instrumentation at Proctor Maple Research Center2013-06-12 to 2016-01-04
DownloadableSpeciated Atmospheric Mercury FractionsMeasure the atmospheric concentrations of various species of mercury to better understand spatiotemporal patterns of mercury input into Vermont and the region, and to improve deposition models.Flux of gaseous elemental, gaseous oxidized and particulate-bound mercury measured with automated instrumentation (TEKRAN) at Proctor Maple Research Center from January 2009-January 2016.2009-01-01 to 2016-01-04