
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
DownloadableEarthworm tally at all 18 sitesEarthworm counts and identification at 6 subplots each of the 18 sites in 2012 and 2013. Data are for three layers: the Oi/Oe horizon, 0-10 cm below the Oe, and 10-20 cm below the Oe.2012-05-03 to 2013-10-12
DownloadableLand use history details compiled by Charlie CogbillThis spreadsheet contains a detailed land-use history of each site, compiled by ecohistorian Charlie Cogbill of Plainfield, VT. Column labels should be relatively self explanatory.2012-05-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableSite characteristicsSite abbreviations, full name, forest community, elevation, aspect, and slope.2008-05-10 (ongoing)
DownloadableSoil aggregate data by plotData available to the public for downloadData from 14 of the 18 sites on the fractionation of soil into three aggregate categories and the amount of protected carbon within each category. Also included are earthworm numbers, both total and b
y ecotype. A separate dataset will have earthworm counts by species. Each site had six subplots that were sampled in three increments: the Oi and Oe horizons, 0-10 cm below the Oe, and 10-20 cm below the Oe. Soil aggregate analysis was done on the mineral soil below the Oe, i.e. the Oa was not included.

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2012-04-29 to 2024-01-30
DownloadableSoil exchangeable cations 2008-2009Exchangeable cation concentrations and pools from the three soil pits at each site. For detailed methods please see Ross et al. Forest Ecology and Management 489 (2021) 119049. The cations measured we
re Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+, K+ and Na+. Iron and manganese in the extraction (1 molar ammonium chloride) were also determined. The spreadsheet includes the soil horizon designations and their depths, total organic carbon and nitrogen, and a calculated bulk density to convert concentrations to pools. Please see the notes/comments associated with column labels.

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2008-05-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableSoil profile carbon 2008-2009Soil organic carbon data from 6.9 cm diameter diamond-tipped coring (mineral soil) and 15x15 cm blocks (forest floor). For methods, see Ross et al. Forest Ecology and Management 489 (2021) 119049. Cor
es were attempted to be taken to either the depth of bedrock or 100 cm but the latter depth was not always reached. Sometimes the forest floor sample was found to contain A horizon (<200 g/kg carbon) and the carbon from this layer was subtracted from the forest floor and added to the mineral soil. Each site had six corings, when possible, and three forest floor blocks sampled at each of the six coring locations.

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2008-05-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableVegetation-live tree basal area 2008-2009Basal area (square meters per hectare) of all live trees greater than 5 cm diameter at a height of 137 cm (also known as 'diameter at breast height'). The plots were modeled on the USDA Forest Service
Forest Inventory and Analysis Program. Vegetation subplots were 7.32 m in diameter; one was located at the center of the plot and three were located 36.6 m from the center of the plot, every 120 degrees (at an azimuth of 0, 120 and 240 degrees from the center). See this link for further details on the plot design:

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2008-05-01 (ongoing)