Project Overview

Mountain Birdwatch (MBW) monitors songbirds that breed in the montane fir and spruce forests of the Northeast. MBW data provides the only region-wide source of population information on these high-elevation breeding birds. This project is in direct connection with the Mountain Birdwatch 2.0 data entry portal built by FEMC for VCE in fall of 2017. This improved data entry portal provides volunteers with easy access to their route information and then allows them to submit their completed route data, instantly transferring that data into VCE and FEMC's database.


Monitoring of high-elevation breeding birds with a focus on the Bicknell's Thrush, but other species are also monitored such as red squirrels and conifer seeds.

Dataset Availability

By request: 1 dataset

See the full list of available data


Status - Active

Start date: 2000-01-01

Study Area

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