Bias Incident
Verbal or nonverbal conduct that communicates hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons and is based on their membership in a category protected by UVM’s Equal Opportunity policies but does not rise to the level of a university policy violation. Bias incidents may be intentional or unintentional. However, regardless of intention, expressions of this kind can have harmful impacts on individuals and on the broader living and learning community. When this occurs, UVM seeks to offer support for members of our community in the spirit of Our Common Ground.
Adverse treatment based on an individual’s membership in a category protected by UVM’s Equal Opportunity policies that is sufficiently serious to unreasonably interfere with or limit an individual’s opportunity to participate in or benefit from a university program or activity, or that otherwise adversely affects a term or condition of the individual’s employment or education. Discrimination is prohibited by UVM policy and several options for resolution, including through disciplinary action, are available through AAEO. A full definition is available in the university’s Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy.
A form of discrimination (defined above) that encompasses an incident(s) of verbal, written, visual, or physical communications and/or conduct based on or motivated by an individual’s membership in a legally protected category that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, persistent and/or patently offensive that it has the effect of unreasonably interfering with that individual’s work or academic performance, or that creates a hostile working, educational or living environment. Harassment may include the use of epithets, stereotypes, slurs, comments, insults, derogatory remarks, gestures, threats, graffiti, display or circulation of written or visual material, taunts, and negative references related to any of these protected categories. Harassment is prohibited by UVM policy and several options for resolution, including disciplinary action, are available through EO. Quid pro quo ("this for that") is a form of harassment where an employee or student's submission to or rejection of unwelcome treatment based on a protected category is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of their employment, academic standing, or participation in any University programs or activities, or is used as the basis for university decisions affecting the individual. A full definition is available in the university’s Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy.