
THE 1010. Topics In: First-Year Seminar. 3 Credits.

Intensive first-year seminar focused on specific themes and/or disciplinary perspectives. Emphasis on developing critical reading and writing skills, substantive revision, information literacy, and analytical thinking. First-year seminars are frequently organized to meet one of the disciplinary Catamount Core requirements. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Catamount Core: WIL1.

THE 1020. Topics In: Writing. 3 Credits.

Intensive course in a broad disciplinary area (humanities, social sciences, arts, or natural sciences). Part of an integrated first-year experience in which students take 2-4 classes exploring aesthetic, humanistic, social, linguistic, environmental, or scientific issues. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Co-requisite: Enrollment in the appropriate Liberal Arts Scholars Program.

THE 1025. Topics In: LASP Seminar. 3 Credits.

Intensive course in a broad disciplinary area (humanities, social sciences, arts, or natural sciences). Part of an integrated first-year experience in which students take 2-4 classes exploring aesthetic, humanistic, social, linguistic, environmental, or scientific issues. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Co-requisite: Enrollment in the appropriate Liberal Arts Scholars Program.

THE 1030. Introduction to Theatre. 3 Credits.

Overview of general theatre practices and theories, emphasizing history, script analysis, character development, and communicative skills directed toward a modern audience. Credit not awarded for both THE 1030 and versions of the course offered as THE 1010 to 1029. Catamount Core: AH1.

THE 1100. Intro to Acting. 3 Credits.

Exercises to increase self-awareness and heighten perceptions of human behavior. Basics of script analysis and development of vocal and physical skills through practice and performance. Catamount Core: OC.

THE 1150. Improvisation Workshop. 3 Credits.

Instruction on methods and theories of improvisation as a means of developing character and authenticity for the stage as well as for social and professional contexts that require creative problem solving and collaboration. Catamount Core: OC.

THE 1300. Fundamentals of Design. 3 Credits.

Introduction to the basic techniques, concepts, and skills of theatrical design. Through analysis, research, writing, and design assignments, students will gain a deeper understanding of how designers contribute to the success of a performance and learn more about communication and collaboration within a creative team.

THE 1305. Stagecraft. 1 Credit.

Technical theatre lab experience in the areas of costuming, scene, and lighting. Hands-on learning through production work related to shows on the Theatre & Dance season. Catamount Core: AH1.

THE 1310. Stagecraft: Lighting. 1 Credit.

Lighting lab experience that provides the opportunity to learn and practice the technical aspects of lighting through hands-on production work. This course may be repeated for credit. Catamount Core: AH1.

THE 1319. Fundamentals of Lighting. 0 or 4 Credits.

Primary course in the area of stage lighting design and execution. Includes Lab.

THE 1320. Stagecraft: Scenery. 1 Credit.

A scene shop lab experience that provides the opportunity to learn and practice the technical aspects of scenery construction through hands-on production work. This course may be repeated for credit. Catamount Core: AH1.

THE 1329. Fundamentals of Scenery. 0 or 4 Credits.

A hands-on introduction to the theory and practical application of the scenic elements involved in play production (drawing, building, and painting techniques). Includes Lab.

THE 1330. Stagecraft: Costumes. 1 Credit.

A costume shop lab experience that provides the opportunity to learn and practice costume construction techniques through projects and hands-on production work. This course may be repeated for credit. Catamount Core: AH1.

THE 1339. Fundamentals of Costuming. 0 or 4 Credits.

Primary course in area of costume design and construction. Includes Lab.

THE 1500. Dramatic Analysis. 3 Credits.

Examination of structural characteristics of the basic forms and styles of drama and the manner in which they affect theatrical representation. Catamount Core: AH2.

THE 1510. Diversity in US Theatre. 3 Credits.

An exploration of plays, playwrights, performance artists, and creative production companies whose work explores topics, themes, and content centering the narratives and experiences of historically marginalized and presently underrepresented communities in U.S. theatre. Exact topics vary. Previous content has included works addressing race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, neurodivergence, body diversity, intersectionality among these, and more. Catamount Core: D1.

THE 1520. Asian Performance Traditions. 3 Credits.

Survey of traditional dance/theatre forms in Asia, including performance traditions from China, Korea, Japan, India, Indonesia and other locations, focusing on the religious, historical, and cultural backgrounds and their influences on contemporary performance. Cross-listed with: DNCE 1520. Catamount Core: D2.

THE 1990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific topics.

THE 2110. Contemporary Scene Study. 3 Credits.

Continuation of Intro to Acting. Development of acting techniques through intensive scene work: refining script analysis and performance skills using contemporary scenes. Prerequisites: THE 1100; minimum Sophomore standing.

THE 2140. Topics in Monologue Study. 3 Credits.

Supports students in the craft of workshopping and presenting monologues for use in entire plays as well as extracted for use in audition environments. They will engage with various practices to help build the vocal, physical, and emotional life of a character, character analysis, object/space awareness toward fictional world-building, and other techniques. Prerequisite: THE 1100.

THE 2160. Performing Musical Theatre. 3 Credits.

Provides students with a sound foundation in the craft of musical theatre performance. Instruction guides students to connect vocally, emotionally, and physically to musical materials that reflect various historical periods and styles of musical theatre. Prerequisite: THE 1100.

THE 2300. Stage Management. 3 Credits.

Theory and practice for stage managing in the non-commercial theatre. Prerequisites: THE 1100; (THE 1300; THE 1310, THE 1320, or THE 1330) or (THE 1319, THE 1329, or THE 1339).

THE 2310. Lighting Design. 3 Credits.

Explores, through classroom instruction and projects, the development of lighting designs for a variety of live performance situations. Prerequisite: THE 1300.

THE 2320. Scene Design. 3 Credits.

A practical application of the elements, principles, and styles of theatrical stage design through research, sketching, and rendering techniques. Prerequisite: THE 1300.

THE 2330. Costume Design. 3 Credits.

Elements, principles, and styles of design applied to the visual creation of a dramatic character. Prerequisite: THE 1300.

THE 2519. Theatre History I. 3 Credits.

A survey of theatre and performance traditions from early civilizations in Europe, Africa, and Asia through the medieval period and Renaissance. Prerequisite: THE 1500.

THE 2600. Playwriting. 3 Credits.

Studies models of dramatic structure and contemporary concepts of writing for the stage. Students will apply these principles to the creation of original works. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: THE 1500 or ENGL 1730; minimum Sophomore standing. Cross-listed with: ENGL 2750. Catamount Core: AH1.

THE 2700. Theatre Program Practicum. 1-3 Credits.

An experiential course that provides students with the opportunity to learn and practice hands-on theatre skills in areas including technical theatre, marketing, and/or front-of-house operations. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Catamount Core: AH1.

THE 2710. Theatre Performance Practicum. 1-3 Credits.

An experiential course that provides students with the opportunity to learn and practice hands-on theatre skills in as part of specific Theatre & Dance Program season shows. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Catamount Core: AH1.

THE 2990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

THE 3400. Directing. 3 Credits.

Theory of theatrical directing, including script analysis; approaches to audition, rehearsal, and performance; coaching actors. Prerequisites: THE 1100, THE 1300, THE 1500, and 3 credits total of THE 2700 and THE 2710; and two of the following: THE 2110, THE 2300, THE 2310, THE 2320, THE 2330; minimum Junior standing; or Instructor permission.

THE 3500. Theories of Performance. 3 Credits.

Coverage of a range of analytical tools and performance frames, using one to explore, enliven, and challenge the other. The concept of performance is intended to be applied widely, covering modern and contemporary dance & dance-theatre, theatrical performance, Live Art, historical re-enactments, secular and sacred rituals, mediatized performance, and performances of everyday life. Prerequisites: THE 2500; or DNCE 1500, DNCE 2600. Cross-listed with: DNCE 3500.

THE 3519. Theatre History II. 3 Credits.

A survey of theatre and performance traditions from the Enlightenment to the present, with a focus on avant-garde movements and global drama. Prerequisite: THE 2519.

THE 3700. Professional Preparation. 1-3 Credits.

Topics include preparing for auditions, portfolio reviews, interviews, and research papers for entrance into graduate schools or professional theatre venues. Prerequisites: Minimum Junior standing, Instructor permission.

THE 3990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles. Pre/co-requisite: Instructor permission only.

THE 3991. Internship. 1-18 Credits.

On-site supervised work experience combined with a structured academic learning plan directed by a faculty member or a faculty-staff team in which a faculty member is the instructor of record, for which academic credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

THE 3993. Independent Study. 1-18 Credits.

A course which is tailored to fit the interests of a specific student, which occurs outside the traditional classroom/laboratory setting under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

THE 3995. Undergraduate Research. 1-18 Credits.

Undergraduate student work on individual or small team research projects under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

THE 4500. Theatre Senior Capstone. 3 Credits.

Senior Theatre projects for students in the areas of acting, directing, playwriting, and stage management. Additional preparation: for Actors: THE 2110; for Stage Managers: THE 2300; for Playwrights: THE 2600; for Directors, THE 3400. Prerequisites: THE 1100, THE 1300, THE 1500, THE 2500; Senior standing; Instructor permission.

THE 4509. Seminar - Design. 3 Credits.

Senior Theatre projects for students in areas of design. Prerequisites: Senior standing; THE 1100, THE 1319, THE 1329, THE 1339, THE 1500, THE 2519, THE 3519; and THE 2310, THE 2320, or THE 2330; and by Instructor permission only.

THE 4990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles. Pre/co-requisite: Instructor permission only.

THE 4994. Teaching Assistantship. 1-3 Credits.

Undergraduate student service as a teaching assistant, usually in an introductory level course in the discipline, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

THE 4996. Honors. 1-6 Credits.

College honors thesis or other department/program honors, under the supervision of a faculty member. Offered at department discretion.