Overview of Student Opportunities

With an active community of undergraduate and graduate scholars and a strong culture of collaboration, UVM is a dynamic place to study chemistry. Independent research is built into the curriculum, and special fellowships allow you to make connections and expand your horizons.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities


The course CHEM 291 is a special study in chemistry and related disciplines with an assigned faculty member. Findings are submitted in written form, and credit can be arranged with maximum of 4 hours per semester and 12 hours for the undergraduate program. Undergraduates may work with any faculty member on a research project of mutual interest. Students with a major in chemistry enrolled either in the UVM Honors College or in the College of Arts and Sciences Honor's Program will generally use research hours gained in their junior year through CHEM 291 for initiating research leading to completion of their honor's thesis in their senior year. Undergraduate research often produces results that are published in scientific literature.

Funded Research Opportunities


Research funding and stipends are available to undergraduates to perform research during the academic year and particularly during the summer through several mechanisms, including the The Martin E. Kuehne Organic Chemistry Summer Fellowship, The A. Paul Krapcho Chemistry Summer Fellowship, and other opportunities. The ACS-Hach Land Grant Undergraduate Scholarship is awarded to up to two undergraduate chemistry majors interested in teaching high school chemistry. Read more about funded research opportunities

Research at Companies and Other Institutions


The chemistry department participates with other schools and companies for summer employment and fellowships, which present opportunities for students to work in chemistry and chemistry-related areas during the summer months. For example, The National Science Foundation (NSF) funds Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) through its REU Sites program. Each student is associated with a specific research project, where he/she works closely with the faculty and other researchers. Students are granted stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing and travel.

Get Involved With UVM Chem


Chemcats is a student-run group sponsored by the Department of Chemistry that plans chemistry related activities, research talks from outside speakers, and field trips. We maintain a family atmosphere, and there are a variety of social events where group members can get together informally. 

Independent Study Courses


You can take one-on-one courses with a faculty mentor that will expose you to different research laboratories of several faculty members.