What is the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station?
Though headquartered in Morrill Hall at UVM's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the Experiment Station is no longer one building where experiments and laboratory work occur. VT-AES researchers work in labs and offices on campus, at UVM research centers, on farms and in forests and in the field throughout Vermont. The VT-AES is part of AgInnovation , the national system of state, land grant university Agricultural Experiment stations.
The findings from VT-AES research not only adds new information to agricultural propblems of state and regional significance, they enlighten classroom discussion and are translated into practical solutions to the problems of rural and urban Vermonters. Many VT-AES researchers collaborate with UVM Extension specialists, state and nonprofit advisors and others to translate research into education programs for Vermonters. The VT-AES sets its research priority areas based on input from across Vermont and the region, and aims to work closely with Extension faculty and staff who are supported by federal Smith-Lever funds to explore areas of joint interest and importance. The researchers in the VT-AES also contribute to the teaching and outreach missions of the college.
VT-AES was established in 1886 in anticipation of Congress's Hatch Act of 1887. The Hatch Act authorized federal funds for Agricultural Experiment Stations in every state and territory to underscore, with sound scientific research, the land-grand education that had already been created with the Morrill Act of 1862. It was the Morrill Act that created land-grant colleges in the first place devoted to agriculture and the "mechanic arts," by granting public lands and federal funds to its cause.
Every state has at least one agricultural experiment station and they share information and collaborate to make the most of their state-by-state efforts and apply their collective expertise nationwide to AgInnovation and the regional hubs within AgInnovation. The VT-AES belongs to AgInnovation Northeast.
Meet the Staff of the VT Agricultural Experiment Station
Chair of the Department of Animal and Veterinary Science • Director of VT Agricultural Experiment Station • Professor