CALS Faculty and Staff Awards

CALS Excellence in Staff Support and Teamwork Awards

This annual award recognizes CALS staff for exceptional work in the eyes of their fellow employees, supervisors, or the people they serve. The awards include:

  • CALS Excellence in Staff Support Award (2) — Recognizing CALS staff for individual excellence. Two individual awards will be issued. Recipients will receive a gift and have their name engraved on a commemorative plaque.
  • CALS Excellence in Staff Teamwork Award (1) — Recognizing a team of CALS staff for excellence in teamwork and performance. Recipients will receive a gift/gifts for the entire team.

CALS Faculty and Staff Recognition

The following awards are for faculty in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

  • Joseph E. Carrigan Award for Excellence in Teaching and Undergraduate Education — Deadline: Wednesday, May 15, 2024
  • H.W. Vogelmann Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship — Deadline: Wednesday, May 15, 2024

CALS Excellence in Staff Support and Teamwork Awards


All nominees for individual awards must be active regular staff employees and employed in CALS for at least one year. This includes all eligible CALS employees who contribute to the success of the College, in the field or on campus. Past nominees are eligible but must be re-nominated. Materials need to be re-submitted and appropriately updated. Past recipients are ineligible (see list below).

Team nominations should primarily include individuals who meet the above eligibility criteria; however, teams that include temporary or part-time employees will also be considered.

Nomination process

Nominators should use the nomination form (Individual Nomination Form, Teamwork Nomination Form). Any CALS faculty, staff member or trainee (student, postdoctoral fellow) is welcome to submit a nomination. Providing specific examples makes an impact with the review committee. We ask that each nominator fill out their own form instead of many signing onto one nomination. Do not provide separate letters; all relevant information should be entered onto the one-page writeable PDF nomination form.

Please submit all nominations to

Criteria for Evaluation of Submissions

The Committee will evaluate the nomination forms for evidence of sustained excellence in staff support activities, as follows:

  • High quality work that exceeds expectations
  • Superb collaborative skills (especially for team award)
  • Positive attitude or characteristics that resulted in tangible improvements
  • Creative approaches that brought about new efficiencies or other positive changes
  • Leadership on “getting things done”
  • ANYTHING else you believe equates with exceptional and laudable work
Selection Process

CALS Dean, Extension’s Associate Director, several willing faculty and previous staff award winners will review and choose the awardees, based on the nominations submitted. The award winners will be announced and formally recognized at the annual CALS Faculty and Staff Retreat.

Any questions may be directed to

Joseph E. Carrigan Award for Excellence in Teaching and Undergraduate Education


The Carrigan Award is the most prestigious faculty teaching award in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. It recognizes outstanding effort and achievement in undergraduate teaching, student advising, and undergraduate education. Recipients of this annual award have their names engraved on a commemorative plaque, and receive a personal cash award of $2,000, as well as an additional $500 to support continued improvement and innovation in teaching. The award is presented, and the recipient is formally recognized each year at the CALS Faculty and Staff Retreat.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

  • The nominee must be a CALS faculty member who has taught an undergraduate course for at least six Fall/Spring semesters at UVM. Semesters need not have been consecutive.
  • Nominations may be made by individuals or groups of faculty, staff, and/or students who are employed by or enrolled in CALS.
  • Past recipients are ineligible. See list below.
Nomination Process

A nomination package should contain a variety of materials in support of the nominee’s achievements in undergraduate teaching, student advising, and undergraduate education. Submitted materials are evaluated by the CALS Dean’s Office according to the criteria described below. The nomination package should include the following materials submitted together as one PDF document. Nominations should be submitted electronically to by email or FileTransfer.

Required materials: 

  • Nomination statement (500 - 750 words): Explain why the nominee deserves the award. Highlight their impact on student learning, innovative teaching methods, and contributions to the CALS teaching community. Nomination statement should address the award criteria below.
  • Nominee's CV: Up-to-date CV of the faculty member. CV should include a list of courses the nominee has taught in the past six semesters. If CV does not include course list, this may submitted separately.

Optional materials: 

  • Letters of support (maximum of 5): Nominators are encouraged to solicit letters of support from present and/or former students, faculty, staff, and/or teaching assistants familiar with the nominee’s teaching and advising. Letters should address elements of the award criteria below.
  • Teaching observation evaluations: Reports from peer observation of the nominee’s teaching, if available.

The following materials will be pulled by the Dean’s Office and considered by the review committee as part of the nomination package.

  • Student course evaluations: Blue course evaluations from the past two years (quantitative data and comments).
  • Student advising data: Reports from Blue advising surveys from the past two years. 
Criteria For Evaluation of Submissions

Materials submitted to the CALS Dean’s Office in support of each nomination will be evaluated for evidence of sustained excellence in undergraduate teaching, student advising, and undergraduate education, as follows:

  • Impact on student learning, motivation, academic success, and intellectual development through teaching and student advising.

  • Innovation in course development and teaching methods.

  • Influence on improvement of curricula and teaching in the college, the department, and among colleagues.

  • Involvement with student organizations, participation in CALS committees related to undergraduate education, participation in teaching and curriculum development workshops, seminars, and programs.

Questions about this award should be directed to

Past Recipients

2023 Ben Dangl
2022 Chrissy Rohan
2021 David Conner
2020 Victor Izzo
2019 Kelly A. Hamshaw
2018 Sarah Heiss
2017 Laura Almstead
2016 Stephanie Phelps
2015 Jenny Wilkinson
2014 Laura Hill
2013 Daniel H. Baker
2012 Patricia F. Erickson
2011 Donald A. Stratton
2010 Elizabeth 'Betsy' Greene
2009 Thomas C. Vogelmann
2008 Thomas McFadden
2007 Jeanne Harris
2006 Jonathan G. Leonard
2005 Todd J. Pritchard
2004 Douglas I. Johnson
2003 Catherine A. Paris
2002 Mark C. Starrett
2001 Josie H. Davis
2000 Stephen J. Pintauro
1999 Wendy Sue Harper
1998 A. John Bramley
1997 Karen Plaut
1996 Thomas F. Patterson, Jr.
1995 Rachel K. Johnson
1994 Jane M. Kolodinsky
1993 Jane K. Ross
1992 Deep Ford
1991 Bertie Boyce
1990 Ian Worley
1989 Lynn Fife
1988 Robert S. Tyzbir
1987 Lavon Bartel
1986 Lyndon Carew, Jr.
1985 Norman Pellett
1984 Phyllis Soule
1983 Allen Zimmerman
1982 David Barrington
1981 Lyndon Carew, Jr.

H.W. Vogelmann Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship


The Hubert W. Vogelmann Award in CALS recognizes outstanding effort and achievement in research and scholarship. The recipient of this annual award has his/her name engraved on commemorative plaque and receives an award of $2,500.00 which can be used to support his/her research efforts. In addition, the recipient will present a seminar to the CALS community during the fall semester. The award will be presented to the recipient during the seminar.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

  • Any research, extension, or tenure-track faculty member of CALS with the rank of Assistant Professor or above who excels in research and scholarship.
  • Nominations may be made by individuals or groups of faculty, staff, and/or students who are employed by or enrolled in CALS.
  • Past recipients are ineligible. See list below.

Nomination materials are to be submitted electronically to It is the responsibility of the nominator to insure that submissions are in the proper form and submitted by the deadline.

Required materials

  • Nomination statement (500-750 words): Explain why the nominee deserves the award. Highlight their achievements in research publications, grant funding, mentoring and impact. Nomination statement should address the award criteria below.
  • Nominee's CV: Updated CV with details on grants (role, duration, amount) and publications (refereed publications, non-refereed publications, reviews, book chapters, and meeting abstracts/proceedings).

Optional materials

  • Letters of support (maximum of 5): Ask individuals familiar with the nominee’s research to address the award criteria (below). Letters may be from present and/or former mentees, students, faculty colleagues, and/or research partners. 
Criteria For Evaluation of Submissions

Materials submitted to the Vogelmann Award Committee in support of each nomination will be evaluated for evidence of sustained excellence in research and scholarship, as follows:

  • National/international prominence in one's research/scholarship field.
  • Publication of high-quality research/scholarship articles in top-rated journals.
  • Demonstration of extramural funding from federal, state, local, or private granting agencies.
  • Commitment to research mentoring of undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral scientists.

Please submit electronically to

Past Recipients

2023 - Heather Darby, Ph.D.
2022 - Eric Bishop von Wettberg, Ph.D.
2021 - Amy Trubek, Ph.D.
2020 - award timeline adjusted due to Covid-19
2019 - Asim Zia, Ph.D.
2018 - Yolanda Chen, Ph.D.
2017 - no recipient
2016 - David S. Conner, Ph.D.
2015 - Ernesto E. Mendez, Ph.D.
2014 - Kathleen Liang, Ph.D.
2013 - Susan S. Wallace, Ph.D.
2010 - 2012 - no recipients
2009 - Deborah Neher, Ph.D.
2008 - Jean Harvey, Ph.D.
2007 - David E. Kerr, Ph.D.
2006 - Frederick R. Magdoff, Ph.D.
2005 - Jane M. Kolodinsky, Ph.D.
2004 - Donald S. Ross, Ph.D.
2003 - Bruce L. Parker, Ph.D.
2002 - Karen I. Plaut, Ph.D.
2001 - Robert C. Ullrich, Ph.D.
2000 - Paula M. Fives-Taylor, Ph.D.