


HREC also the home of the Catamount Educational Farm
Catamount Farm models sustainable farming practices through a working vegetable and fruit farm. The farm provides educational and research opportunities for the UVM community, as well as fresh produce for sale. Students are integral to all activities on the farm, from planting to marketing.
Experiential Learning at Catamount Farm
Students are integral in carrying out all activities on the 10-acre Catamount Farm, and this experiential learning environment provides them with real and diverse sustainable farm management skills. Students gain hands-on experience in:
- Vegetable, flower and herb production
- Soil health and fertility management
- Crop planning and field mapping
- Compost production and use
- Cover cropping and crop rotation systems
- Propagation and greenhouse management
- Harvest and post-harvest handling techniques
- Farm financials
- Agricultural business planning

Produce grown at the farm is sold to the UVM community through summer and fall Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares, at a local farmer’s market, and at the Catamount Farm Stand. Some of the produce is also sold to UVM’s Sodexo food service and served in campus eateries and dining halls. Catamount Farm enables students to be immersed in the local food system working alongside expert farmers and educators.