UVM Eco-Reps

Eco-Reps are undergraduate student employees who help their peers make more sustainable choices while on campus and build an environmental justice ethic that lasts a lifetime.

Eco-Reps work on outreach and education in the key areas of waste, food and transportation. In the program students build leadership skills and an understanding of campus operations, making Eco-Reps great innovators and problem solvers! Eco-Reps often help implement pilot initiatives to advance or increase sustainability access.

Join our Team


We hire in spring and summer for the upcoming academic year and occasionally fill openings midyear. Positions are available as regular pay or work study and can be found on UVM's student job portal. Search JobX.

Know your Eco-Rep


Eco-Reps are a resource for you. Read about the current Eco-Rep team, and learn which Eco-Reps serve your area of campus and how to get in touch with them. Eco-Rep Directory.



Eco-Reps produce lots of resources like videos and guides. Check out the digital version of these tools or contact us if you'd like a print copy for yourself or distribution. Get Resources.

Topic Areas


We have three Topic Teams: transportation, waste and food. Each Topic Team is led by a staff subject matter expert on campus and Eco-Reps focus on their team's topic all year long. See our work in our Annual Report PDF).




The UVM Eco-Reps program is one of the oldest and most well-respected programs of its kind in the country. It began as a pilot project in the spring of 2004 and is now a partnership between Residential Life and the Office of Sustainability. 50-year Sustainability Timeline.

Upcoming Events

Meet Your Eco-Reps Tabling


Date & Time: Thursday, February 20, 11 am-2 pm

Location: Davis Center Atrium

Eco-Reps are student employees who help promote the many sustainable food, transportation and waste programs on campus. Want to know how to use the new EcoWare cup program, compost in your residence hall or reduce your travel emissions? Come get the answers to all of your sustainability questions! Find out more.