Watershed Forestry Partnership News & Partner Updates
The Watershed Forestry Partnership met in person for its 2024 annual meeting
Over 100 partners attended the annual meeting held on March 27, 2024 at the University of Vermont to learn about and discuss ways to improve the outcome of our riparian restoration projects, funding opportunities, and the status of local native tree nurseries. This was the first time we had met face-to-face since 2019, and the discussions were top-notch! For those who were not able to make the meeting and others who want to relive the excitement, recordings are available: Morning sessions Afternoon sessions Targeted Landowner Outreach Powerpoint (not recorded)
Shawn White is hired as the new Watershed Forestry Coordinator
Shawn White started working as the new Watershed Forestry Coordinator in December of 2023, replacing Alison Adams, who moved just down the hall to be the Director of the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative. Shawn has been a member of the Watershed Forestry Partnership since its inception via her role as the Project Manager and Restoration Biologist at the Friends of the Winooski River. See more about Shawn here.
The WFP Fall 2022 Newsletter is here! __________________________________________________________________________
The WFP Spring 2022 Newsletter is here!
Second report released on native tree stock shortage in Vermont
The Watershed Forestry Partnership and the USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program have released a follow-up report regarding the native tree stock shortage in Vermont. This second report summarizes the results of a survey of current and aspiring growers of native trees and shrubs for restoration plantings. We quantify how much plant material is being purchased, how much is bought-in from out-of-state (spoiler: it's a lot), and what the limitations and challenges are for growers to meet growing demand for native tree and shrub seedlings in Vermont. Read more by clicking the image or clicking here!
Podcast on riparian forest restoration to be released in September
The Watershed Forestry Partnership is producing a podcast on riparian forests, geared toward practitioners (and other interested folks), funded by NEIWPCC in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program. The first episode, exploring the impact of emerald ash borer on riparian forests, will be released in late September (keep an eye out here for more information closer to the date). Read more about the podcast here.
Report released on native tree stock shortage in Vermont
The Watershed Forestry Partnership and the USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program have partnered to quantify and address the native tree stock shortage in Vermont. Read the first report from the project, summarizing the results of a recent survey of organizations who buy native trees for riparian and wetland restoration projects.