Influenza (flu) season season runs from October through March. Getting vaccinated against the flu keeps you and people around you safer. 

Fall 2024 Flu Clinic Information

Upcoming clinic dates for Fall 24:

These flu clinics will be located at the Davis Center (first floor outside the Living Well space) 

Times coming soon!

Wednesday 10/02 & Thursday 10/3

Wednesday 10/9 & Thursday 10/10

Wednesday 10/16 & Thursday 10/17

Thursday 10/24

Wednesday 10/30 & Thursday 10/31

You can make an appointment on MyWellbeing or drop-in.

Vaccines are also available at Student Health Services when you go for other appointments. 

Please see information on insurance coverage below. 

*Check our Instagram story or UVM Bored for any changes to upcoming clinic schedules. 

Insurance Coverage and Charges

If you get the flu vaccine at a walk-in clinic or at Student Health Services, it is covered by most insurances via a reimbursement process. 

You may want to check with your insurance provider to make sure that it will reimburse for your vaccine through UVM. You do not need to provide insurance information when you get your vaccine, but a $21 charge will be posted to your student account and you will be given a receipt to submit for insurance reimbursement.

Four Good Reasons to Get the Flu Shot

  1. It works. The flu vaccine keeps people healthy and lessens the severity of flu symptoms if you do get sick. Getting it can reduce the risk of having to go to the doctor with the flu by 40-60%!
  2. It protects you and your community. When the majority of a community gets the flu vaccine everyone wins—more people are protected because of herd immunity and fewer people get or pass on the virus. You can feel good knowing that you are protecting the people around you who are more vulnerable.
  3. It's safe. The flu vaccine is non-toxic and designed to keep you safe and your community healthy. The influenza vaccine used at UVM does not contain any forms of mercury. 
  4. You won't miss out on life by getting sick. You might feel a little sore or under the weather after getting vaccinated, but you can't get the flu from it. Feeling sore for a little while is better than missing out any Vermont fall or winter adventures or getting behind on classes because you’re sick with the flu.

Flu and Flu Vaccine Resources


Student Health Services

Last updated: 8/13/24