A Guide to Preparation of Quantitative Reasoning Course Proposals for Faculty
This information was created in order to guide faculty in the preparation of successful proposals for courses offered in fulfillment of the UVM Quantitative Reasoning Requirement.
The Catamount Core Curriculum Committee (CCCC), oversees the University’s Quantitative Reasoning Requirement. Faculty members who are planning to submit a Quantitative Reasoning course proposal are encouraged to thoroughly review all the information on this site and to contact the chairperson of the CCCCwith questions or concerns around proposal development.
Developing a Quantitative Reasoning Course Proposal
Each course proposed for approval must meet at least of four of the six proficiencies, outlined below, under “Quantitative Reasoning Proficiencies.” Proposals must include a brief description of how the course meets the stated proficiencies outlined at the end of this guide.
Quantitative Reasoning Course proposals must include the following elements:
- Course Action Form, entered in the University's CourseLeaf system
- Attach a completed Quantitative Reasoning Course Action Form Supplement to the Courseleaf submission
- Course Syllabus, attached to the CourseLeaf submission
Only three-credit or four-credit courses will be approved as Quantitative Reasoning courses.
Courses being reviewed for Quantitative Reasoning approval can be offered either face-to-face, on-line, or as a hybrid course as the CCCC has no requirement related to specific pedagogical approach.
Course Action Forms
The CourseLeaf automated system will allow you to enter your course change information online, attach documents, and track your electronic submission as it makes its way through the approval process. When you log into the system to make course changes, there are introductory instructions on the landing page.
Course Action Forms (CAF) that include a General Education action must also include a supplement that provides additional information for committee review. Please complete the form below and attach it in the “Companion Documents” section of the Course Action Form before you submit the CAF into workflow.
It is expected that the Quantitative Reasoning proficiencies will be an integral part of a course approved for Quantitative Reasoning credit and that this focus will be reflected in the course syllabus, in the objectives as well as the content.
General information on syllabus design can be found at the Center for Teaching and Learning.
The syllabus for a Quantitative Reasoning course – and indeed, for all courses – should present the general learning goals or objectives for the course. List three to five major objectives that you expect all students to strive for: what will students know or be able to do after completing this course? What skills or competencies do you want to develop in your students? Use active verbs to describe the objectives.
Proposal Review
In reviewing a course proposed for Quantitative Reasoning credit, the CCCC looks for evidence, reflected in the syllabus, that the course meets at least four of the six Quantitative Reasoning proficiencies:
- Interpreting data represented in a variety of ways, such as graphs, tables, and charts
- Solving problems, through the use of patterns, numbers, and symbols
- Evaluating the value and validity of provided information
- Determining if the solution to a problem makes logical sense in the real world
- Formulating alternative solutions
- Communicating effectively the thought process used to interpret and solve the problem
Once the course proposal has been completed and submitted electronically, it will follow the workflow established for the specific college or school, ultimately making its way to the QRCRC for approval. To submit a CCCC proposal, visit Course Action Forms.
Notice: All Course Action Forms are due in the Provost's Office by February 15 for inclusion in the next year's course list and catalogue. Course proposals must reach the CCCC for consideration at their January meeting in order to meet the deadline for inclusion in the course catalogue.
Faculty Development
Resources to support faculty development, including information about the annual Blackboard Jungle Symposium, are available through the Office of the Vice President for Human Resources, Diversity and Multicultural Affairs.