
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Canopy CoverageCanopy cover was estimated at each plot using a densiometer. Canopy cover was measured over the outer plot center, and over each subplot center, such that 5 total estimates within the plot were record
ed. One record is recorded per plot facing plot center and at the center stake facing north.

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2015-08-19 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Coarse Woody DebrisThe volume of coarse woody debris (CWD) was estimated along each transect. The length of the material and the diameter of the small and large end will be recorded to estimate the volume. Density of CW
D will also be recorded. There is a separate protocol for calculating volume of CWD on the server.

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2017-06-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Collection DetailsData Collection Information2015-08-19 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Ground CoverAverage ground cover was calculated in percent coverage. 2015-08-19 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Ground Transect LocationsLocations of ground transects.2015-09-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Incidental Ground CoverContains non-quadrat ground cover data of less than 1%.2015-08-19 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Indicator Species DataStarting in 2019, deer indicator plants and their reproductive status were recorded. An individual is considered a visible aboveground stem, regardless of whether the individual spreads by rhizomes. R
eproduction is defined as any evidence the individual produced flower or fruit (including change in morphology). The total number of individuals by species is recorded, as well as the total number of individuals that were reproductive. The number of reproductive individuals cannot exceed the total number of individuals present. Deer Indicator plants are understory species that have a strong physiological response to browsing pressure. Repeated, heavy browsing results in shortened stature, low or absent reproduction, and reduced abundance. Deer indicator plants respond to changes in browsing pressure more quickly than seedlings because they are shade tolerant. The Indicator Species list is below in Table 3.

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2019-06-24 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Plot GPS LocationsLocations of plots2015-08-19 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Regeneration DataAll seedlings or regeneration (woody species including shrubs < 1.4 m height from tables above) were identified to species and counted in the four inner plots. 2015-08-19 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Regeneration Plot LocationsLocations of regeneration plots2015-09-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Shrub DataAll seedlings or regeneration (woody species including shrubs < 1> 1.4 m height) were counted, marked, identified to species and status noted. Only shrubs that contributed significantly to the midstor
y canopy were included. They are listed in Table 2. If multi-stemmed, the number of stems was also recorded for each shrub. Distance and orientation (using a magnetic declination of 13 degrees W) of each tree, sapling and shrub was also recorded with reference to the center of the plots.

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2015-08-19 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Shrub LocationsLocations of shrubs2015-09-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Species List All TaxaList of all taxa in project2015-09-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Tree DataAll trees (> 10 cm dbh; > 1.4 m height) and saplings (< 10> 1.4 m height) within the outer plot were counted, marked, identified to species, status (live or dead) noted and dbh (cm) recorded in the tr
ee table section of the forest plot data sheets. Approximate canopy dieback was also estimated for each live tree or sapling using the following scale: < 5>95%. Shrubs (> 1.4 m height) were counted, marked, identified to species and status noted. Only shrubs that contribute significantly to the midstory canopy are included. They are listed in Table 2.

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2015-08-19 (ongoing)
DownloadableTeatown Forest Inventory, Forest Plot Data, Tree LocationsLocations of trees2015-09-01 (ongoing)