Details and Metadata
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The methods followed in the creation of the dataset, including description of field, laboratory and processing steps, and quality control procedures
Past Methods (No longer in use)
- Landscape phase mapping
Started: 1993-06-01
Ended: 1993-08-31Landscape phase mapping includes data on: slope-shape, steepness, aspect, position, hydrologic characteristics, associations and consociations of soil taxa and plant associations and phases
- Stand selection criteria
Started: 1993-06-01
Ended: 1993-08-31General: Stand selection criteria, greater than 1 hectare; undisturbed; not too heterogenous; not dominated by exotic species. Plot size varied with community homogeneity; permanent plots of 20X40m, 20X20 or 10X20 m on 29 forest communities.
Dataset Fields
Detailed documentation of the fields comprising the dataset, including the type of measurement, units where applicable, and any controlled vocabularies or code lists present in the data
Field Name | Caption | Description | Additional Information |
%CRSFR | %CRSFR | Measurement type: | |
%OUTCP | %OUTCP | % outcrops in ordinal classes: 1=<1% outcrops, 2= 1-2% outcrops, 3.5=2-5% outcrops, 8=6-10% outcrops, 17.5=10-25% outcrops, 60=>25% outcrops | Measurement type: Ratio Units: |
605b | 605b | Ecological land type code, presence absence (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
902b | 902b | Ecological land type code, presence absence (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
902d | 902d | Ecological land type code, presence absence (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
903a | 903a | Ecological land type code, presence absence (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
903d | 903d | Ecological land type code, presence absence (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
905b | 905b | Ecological land type code, presence absence (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
905d | 905d | Ecological land type code, presence absence (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
921d | 921d | Ecological land type code, presence absence (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
AMENIA | AMENIA | Amenia soil series, (1,0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
ATHICK | ATHICK | Thickness of A horizon to 1 cm | Measurement type: Interval Units: cm |
BERKSH | BERKSH | Berkshire soil series, (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
BHTHCK | BHTHCK | Bh layer thickness, to 1 cm | Measurement type: Interval Units: |
BNYUNI | BNYUNI | Benchy/Uniform topography, order is fall-line | Measurement type: Nominal |
BROSPR | BROSPR | Borosaprist soils, (1,0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
CNCUNI | CNCUNI | Concave/Uniform topography order is fall-line | Measurement type: Nominal |
CNXHUM | CNXHUM | Convex/Hummocky topography, order is fall-line first, (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
CNXUNI | CNXUNI | Convex/Uniform topography, order is fall-line first, (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
DNFRTH | DNFRTH | Danforth soil series, (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
DPTHIM | DPTHIM | Depth to an impermeable layer, to 1 cm | Measurement type: Nominal |
DRNAGE | DRNAGE | Drainage, in ordinal classes: 1 = Extremely well-drained (EWD), 2 = Well-drained (WD), 3 = Moderately well-drained (MWD), 4 = Somewhat poorly drained (SPD), 5 = Poorly drained (PD), 6 = Very poorly drained (VPD) | Measurement type: Interval Units: |
DSTH20 | DSTH20 | Distance to water, in ordinal classes: 15= midpoint, 0-30m, 50= midpoint, 30-70m, 70 = midpoint (+/-),>70m | Measurement type: Ordinal |
ELEVTN | ELEVTN | Elevation, in feet, to nearest one foot | Measurement type: Interval Units: |
HGBACK | HGBACK | Hogback soil series, (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
HGTVLL | HGTVLL | Houghtonville soil series, (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
LNDFRM | LNDFRM | Landform, ordinal codes of: 1 = point/knob, 2= ridge, 3 = highflat, 4 = upper mountain slope, 5 = mountain slope | Measurement type: Ordinal |
LNRHUM | LNRHUM | Linear/Hummocky topography, order is fall-line first, (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
LNRUNI | LNRUNI | Linear/Uniform topography, order is fall-line first, (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
MARBLE | MARBLE | Marble bedrock type (presence/absence - 1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
MARLOW | MARLOW | Marlow soil series, (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
MTTLTK | MTTLTK | Depth to mottling, to 1 cm. | Measurement type: Interval Units: |
MUNDAL | MUNDAL | Mundal soil series, (1/0) | Measurement type: Interval Units: |
ORGFRG | ORGFRG | Organics over Fragments soils, (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
OTHICK | OTHICK | Thickness of organic horizons, to 1 cm | Measurement type: Interval Units: |
PERU | PERU | Peru soil series, (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
Plot | Plot | Plot ID | Measurement type: Nominal |
PRFUNC | PRFUNC | Profound Unconformity type (presence/absence - 1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
QRTZTE | QRTZTE | Quartzite bedrock type (presence/absence - 1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
SCHIST | SCHIST | Schist bedrock type (presence/absence - 1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
SEEPS | SEEPS | Occurrence of seeps, in ordinal classes: 1= no seeps, 2 = few seeps, 3= seeps are common, 4= many seeps | Measurement type: Ordinal |
SFCFRG | SFCFRG | % Surface Fragments, in ordinal classes: 5.0 midpoint < 10%, 17.5 = midpoint, 10-25%, 60= midpoint, >25% | Measurement type: Ratio Units: |
SLMTHK | SLMTHK | Solum thickness (A+B), to 1 cm. | Measurement type: Interval Units: |
SLOPE | SLOPE | Percent slope, to nearest one percent | Measurement type: Ratio Units: |
SOILpH | SOILpH | pH of mineral soil in ordinal classes: 1= acidic, 2= neutral, 3= alkaline | Measurement type: Ordinal |
SOILTP | SOILTP | Soil temperature at 30cm, in degrees Farenheit, to 1 degree. | Measurement type: Interval Units: |
SPOTHK | SPOTHK | Spodic layer thickness, to 1 cm. | Measurement type: Interval Units: |
TFASP | TFASP | Azimuth, transformed using Beer's transformation, to 0.01 unit. | Measurement type: Interval Units: |
WORDEN | WORDEN | Worden soil series, (1/0) | Measurement type: Nominal |
Sampling Equipment
Equipment and software used to collect data, including how that equipment was used.
No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset
Site Characteristics
The spatial extent of the dataset site coverage, and descriptions of the spatial extent and context for the data collection
- Site Description
Extensive mapping in Lye Brook Wilderness Area.