
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
DownloadableLitter TrapsCollect seed fall to determine seed abundance and litter fall to biomass production.CSV file, 1983-1990 seed collection data from 40 litter traps in the research area.1983-05-01 to 1990-12-31
DownloadableseedTraps-S1Determine seed production of the forest close to sample sites for tree seedlings.CSV file, 1988-2013 collection data from 120 seed traps along S1 survey lines; located west to east at 10m intervals.1988-05-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableseedTraps-S1_2016-2022CSV file, 2016-2022 collection data from 120 seed traps along S1 survey lines; located west to east at 10m intervals.1983-05-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableseedTraps-SMDetermine seed production from locations adjacent to small mammal trap locations.CSV file, 1988-2013 seed counts by species from 144 seed traps located within 2m of small mammal transect trap stations.1988-05-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableseedTraps-SM_2016-2021Determine seed production from locations adjacent to small mammal trap locations.CSV file, 2016-2021 seed counts by species from 144 seed traps located within 2m of small mammal transect trap stations.1983-05-01 (ongoing)