
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
DownloadableCarbon Storage and Net Growth of the Northeastern ForestsTrees grow to different sizes and at various rates depending on species, age, and site characteristics. This distinction allows for various tree layers to form over time, resulting in structural diver
sity. When trees photosynthesize at a rate greater than what is needed for general processes, they can store excess carbon as wood, increasing their total biomass.

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Carbon storage for all 5 IPCC carbon pools (in metric tons) and net growth of all live trees on forestland in the Northeast. These totals are calculated from FIA data using the pre-built queries. Spec
ifically, the T103 and T025 query metrics.

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1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableCrown DiebackCrown dieback is assessed by visually inspecting the leaves and crown of trees. When trees experience stress, they begin to reduce resources to the outermost leaves and branches, and these areas will
die. This fine-scale measurement allows for a more detailed assessment of the tree's overall health and vigor and is an early indication of declining health. While dieback can vary from year to year based on weather or insects, trends over time can indicate more subtle issues in overall health.

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Proportion of trees (greater or equal to 5 inch DBH) with poor crown health of 20% dieback or greater for New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont.2007-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableDamage and DecayTrees can become damaged for a variety of reasons such as lightning strikes, neighboring treefall, logging damage, poor growing conditions, insects, or genetics. Physical damage to trees can reduce th
eir life span by allowing diseases and fungi to infiltrate the wood, leading to rot and decay. While damaged and decaying trees have a vital role in the forest ecosystem through providing habitat and food for a variety of organisms from fungi to insects, an increase in the proportion of our trees that are classified as damaged or decaying can impact the value of our forests and suggest that trees are being negatively impacted by stressors.

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Damage and Decay dataset for the forest indicators dashboard.2013-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableForestland area by age class for the NortheastStand age diversity represents the presence of a large range of age classes in the forest. The age of the trees in a forest provides us a sense of the amount of time since a stand-replacing disturbanc
e event has occurred, such as a hurricane or a timber harvest. Across our forests, we want a diversity of stand ages, with some stands being young and new and others being old and in place for a long time. This provides a diversity of habitat for a range of wildlife, and resilience to change.

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Data extracted from FIA EVALIDator: forestland area by stand age (20 year age classes). 1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableNH Condition TableExtract of New Hampshire FIA data ("COND" file). A condition is a discrete combination of landscape attributes that define the condition (a condition will have the same land class, reserved status, ow
ner group, forest type, stand-size class, regeneration status, and stand density). Conditions are assigned to plots

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1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableNH Plot Snapshot TableExtract of New Hampshire Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plot snapshot data ("PLOTSNAP" file). 1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableNH Population Evaluation TableData table of the population evaluation group information ("POP_EVAL_GP") from the Forest Inventory and Analysis program. 1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableNH Tree TableAn extract of the tree measurement data collected by the Forest Inventory and Analysis program for New Hampshire ("TREE" file) up through 2019. Data include various tree physiology and quality measure
ments for a network of permanent plots measured on a rotating basis.

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1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableNortheast Forest CoverThe percent forest cover for the Northeast, as estimated through the FIA program using the estimated forestland area (acres) divided by the estimated sampled area (acres), multiplied by 100%.1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableNY Condition TableExtract of New York FIA data ("COND" file). A condition is a discrete combination of landscape attributes that define the condition (a condition will have the same land class, reserved status, owner g
roup, forest type, stand-size class, regeneration status, and stand density). Conditions are assigned to plots

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1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableNY Plot Snapshot TableExtract of New York Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plot snapshot data ("PLOTSNAP" file). 1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableNY Population Evaluation TableData table of the population evaluation group information ("POP_EVAL_GP") from the Forest Inventory and Analysis program. 1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableNY Tree TableAn extract of the tree measurement data collected by the Forest Inventory and Analysis program for New York ("TREE" file) up through 2019. Data include various tree physiology and quality measurements
for a network of permanent plots measured on a rotating basis.

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1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableRed Spruce Seedling Regeneration for the NortheastSoftwood regeneration tells us the future composition of the forests dominated by species such as spruce and fir. While assessments of mature trees provide information about the current condition of V
ermont’s forests, densities of seedlings give details about the likely softwood composition in the future.

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Seedling density of red spruce as an indicator of softwood regeneration for New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. Regeneration estimates are calculated as the number of seedlings per acre across the a
ll forest land for each state. This dataset starts in 2007 and is derived from the US Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis Program on its permanent plot network.

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2007-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableSugar Maple Seedling Regeneration for the NortheastSoftwood regeneration tells us the future composition of the forests dominated by species such as spruce and fir. While assessments of mature trees provide information about the current condition of V
ermont’s forests, densities of seedlings give details about the likely softwood composition in the future.

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Seedling density of sugar maple as an indicator of hardwood regeneration for New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. Regeneration estimates are calculated as the number of seedlings per acre across the
all forest land for each state. This dataset starts in 2007 and is derived from the US Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis Program on its permanent plot network.

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2007-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableTree MortalityTrees die for a variety of reasons, from windstorms and lightning strikes, to fungal or insect infestations. The trunks may persist for decades as standing dead trees providing habitat for birds and a
nimals, or as logs slowly rotting on the forest floor and gradually returning nutrients to living plants. However, changes to the baseline tree mortality rate may signify that environmental conditions are changing and hastening the death of trees.

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Annual mortality is calculated as the volume (cubic ft) of average annual mortality of sound bole over the sound bole volume of live tree on forested land for New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. Thi
s data was extracted from the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) EVALIDator.

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2007-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableVT Condition TableExtract of FIA data ("COND" files). A condition is a discrete combination of landscape attributes that define the condition (a condition will have the same land class, reserved status, owner group, fo
rest type, stand-size class, regeneration status, and stand density). Conditions are assigned to plots.

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1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableVT Plot Snapshot TableExtract of Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plot snapshot data ("PLOTSNAP" files). 1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableVT Population Evaluation Group TableData table of the population evaluation group information ("POP_EVAL_GP") from the Forest Inventory and Analysis program. 1983-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableVT Tree TableAn extract of the tree measurement data collected by the Forest Inventory and Analysis program ("TREE" file). Data include various tree physiology and quality measurements for a network of permanent p
lots measured on a rotating basis.

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1983-01-01 (ongoing)