
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
DownloadableLCSG-BOLTON WWTP-WOODCHIP BIOREACTOR SAMPLING INFORMATION AND CHEMISTRY DATAThe original and primary Project objectives were to (1) characterize the chemistry of the Bolton WWTP effluent, with particular emphasis on nitrate, ammonia and soluble reactive phosphorus of the effl
uent stream being denitrified through the bioreactor and side-by-side, the stream not being denitrified, and (2) monitor the improvement in groundwater nitrate levels moving down-gradient from the WWTP during the study period.

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A comprehensive monitoring program that focused on the woodchip bioreactor and other important Project components within and adjacent to the Bolton WWTP property was initiated on March 19th 2019 and c
ontinued through September 30th 2021. The program included water sample and field data collection from bioreactor influent, monitoring wells and effluent, plant effluent discharge, SPDES Permit wells and Stewart Brook, as well as a detailed analysis and evaluation of treatment plant operations. There were 66 bi-weekly field excursions and 642 water samples collected during the 31-month monitoring effort at a total of 14 sampling stations. The woodchip bioreactor was in operation a total of 679 days before the unit processor had to be shut down due to internal plugging. Sample collection and processing were conducted according to standard protocol and samples were submitted to a laboratory certified to process and analyze chemistry samples for New York State SPDES permit operating requirements. The COVID-19 pandemic had a slight impact on the field monitoring effort.

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2019-03-19 to 2021-09-30