Project Overview

Founded in 1963, the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study is one of the longest running and most comprehensive ecosystem studies in the world. The collaborative, multidisciplinary research efforts include long-term studies of air, water, soils, plants, and animals. The study site is the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, a 7,800-acre northern hardwood forest situated in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study is a unique public-private partnership involving the USDA Forest Service, the National Science Foundation’s Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program, the Hubbard Brook Research Foundation, and scientists from research institutions throughout the country.


The purpose of the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study is to better understand ecosystem processes in forested watersheds.

Dataset Availability

Downloadable: 6 datasets

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Status - Active

Start date: 1963-01-01

Study Area

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