The UVM Agricultural Risk Management and Crop Insurance Education Program helps producers address the risks that confront every farming operation. The goal is to provide useful information, resources and links about crop insurance and other risk management programs that will help farmers manage production, marketing and other farm business perils.
Crop Insurance and Risk Management Resources
Annual Crops
Diversified Enterprises
Grains and Specialty Crops
- Dairy Revenue Protection RMA Fact Sheet
- Beef Vt Fact Sheet, 2019 (PDF)
- 2022 Risk Management for Dairy Producers (PDF)
- Dairy Revenue Protection Insurance (Dairy-RP) (PDF)
- Sheep and Goat Vt Fact Sheet, 2019 (PDF)
- Livestock 2020 Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Johne's Disease Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Article - Dairy Margin Coverage Q & A with Marin Bozic
Perennial Crops
Other Resources
- Transferring the Farm (PDF)
- Building Your Networks video series
- USDA Risk Management Checklist (PDF)
- USDA Programs for New and Beginning Farmers, 2019 (PDF)
- What to Expect from Your Crop Insurance Agent, 2021 (PDF)
- 2018 Farm Bill Summary of Titles (PDF)
- Natural Disaster and Crop Insurance (PDF)
- 2017 Census of Agriculture
Links to Additional Resources
Extension Programs
Agricultural Organizations
- Vermont Maple Sugar Makers’ Assoc
- Northeast SARE
- Dairy Vision Vermont
- Addison County Maple Sugarmakers Assoc
- Vermont Farm Bureau
- Rural Vermont
- Center for Agriculture & Food Systems at Vermont Law School
- Legal Food Hub/Conservation Law Foundation
- Vermont Tree Fruit Growers Assn
- Champlain Valley Farmer Coalition, Inc.
- Green Works, Vermont Nursery and Landscape Association
- Vermont Beekeepers Association
- Vermont Beef Producers Assn (VBPA)
- Vermont Sheep & Goat Assn (VSGA)
- Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers Association
- Vermont Grape and Wine Council
- Real Organic Project
- Vermont Dairy Conference
- NCIS Crop Insurance in America
- VT Ag Mediation Program