Type of Degree


School or College

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences

Area of Study

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics

Program Format

On-campus, Full-time, Part-time

Credit hours to graduate

A minimum of 33 credits

Program Overview

Mathematics permeates every aspect of our daily lives. In support of this, the mathematics curriculum is designed to provide a strong foundation for anyone interested in developing their ability to navigate our increasingly quantitative society. All students are introduced to the power and breadth of mathematics and the discipline's core ideas and techniques. Courses that emphasize written and oral communication of quantitative information increase the value to the student of this mathematical knowledge.

At UVM, we want our students to be prepared for their post-university lives. The Mission of the University of Vermont is “To create, evaluate, share, and apply knowledge and to prepare students to be accountable leaders who will bring to their work dedication to the global community, a grasp of complexity, effective problem-solving and communication skills, and an enduring commitment to learning and ethical conduct.” The Co-major in Mathematics will offer students the opportunity to expand their knowledge and practice of mathematical thinking and data analysis while completing key requirements of the Catamount Core Curriculum.

The Co-Major will minimize barriers for students seeking a second major in Math by eliminating CEMS Core Curriculum requirements (CEMS First Year Seminar, professional development electives, Capstone Experience) while fulfilling general education coursework in Mathematics (MA) and Quantitative and Data Literacy (QD). As stated in the university Catalogue description of the Mathematics requirement (MA): “Familiarity with the language and concepts of mathematics fosters a full appreciation of our world, and is an integral component of the Liberal Arts; the phrase “Math is Everywhere” is true only to the extent that one knows where and how to Proposal to create a co-major in Mathematics look.” The courses fulfilling this requirement will help guide students in developing a conceptual understanding of mathematics through engagement with the language of mathematics and processes of mathematical operations.  Through the QD coursework required of the Co-Major, students will apply quantitative data analysis tools to extract meaning from data-rich information in their disciplinary context. 


Core Requirements

Course NumberNameCredits
MATH 1234Calculus I4
MATH 1248Calculus I4
MATH 2055Fundamentals of Mathematics3
MATH 2248Calculus III4
MATH 2522 Applied Linear Algebra3
or MATH 2544Linear Algebra3


3 Math Electives1 at a 2000-level, 1 at a 3000-level, and 1 at a 4000-level.9

Ancillary Courses

Course NumberNameCredits
CS 1210Computer Programming I3
STAT 1410Basic Statistical Methods 13
Total Credits 33



Co-majors provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to gain depth of knowledge in more than one major field of study, serving their overall educational and post-graduation goals.

Co-majors are for matriculated undergraduate students only and are intended to allow students to pursue two majors in different degree-granting colleges/schools, without having to complete two different sets of college/school degree (e.g., B.A., B.S.) requirements1.  Students must successfully complete a major in their degree-granting/home unit in order to graduate with a co-major in another college/school. Students are ineligible for a co-major offered by their degree-granting/home college or school2. The co-major credential is listed on official transcripts as “co-major”.

  1. Students considering a co-major should make an appointment with their home college/school student services advisor, to see whether it is possible to combine a co-major with their existing degree requirements.

  2. Students who complete two sets of major and degree requirements in two different colleges/schools may graduate with dual degrees.

A double major may be appropriate in this case.