Post Doctoral Associates
Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
dhosmer@uvm.eduSurvival Analysis, Logistic Regression, and Biostatistics.
Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Mary-Beth.Ruskai@uvm.eduMathematical Physics with a particular emphasis on Quantum Information Theory.
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
jeffrey.s.solomon@uvm.eduAdjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
djvelleman@amherst.eduLogic, Set Theory.
Secondary Appointments
Research Associate Professor, Larner College of Medicine • Director of Biostatistic Core
peter.callas@uvm.eduEpidemiology; medical biostatistics.
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
gpinder@uvm.eduWater Resources, Environmental, Sustainability & Energy, Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental, Climate Change & Hazard Mitigation