Comprehensive Examination
A comprehensive examination is required of all Ph.D. students and should be completed by the end of their second year in the doctoral program when they have taken at least 24 credits of graduate coursework in different topical areas. Some or all of the 24 credits required may be transferred in from their Masters degree if desired.
The comprehensive examination, successful proposal presentation, and 1 year of residency at UVM are needed for advancement to candidacy.
The comprehensive examination covers 5 courses, from 2 topical areas are described below.
Area One
3 topics from the following:
- Advanced Mathematical Methods
- Advanced Statistical Methods
- Probabilistic Methods
- Numerical Methods
- Computational Modeling
- Optional Area subject to approval by Studies Committee
Area Two
2 topics from Civil and Environmental Engineering
5 members of the Comprehensive Examination Committee will test the student in 5 appropriate topics selected from the previous list. Each faculty member will be responsible for 1 of the 5 topics. The students and their Advisor select and recommend to the Graduate Program Director the Comprehensive Examination Committee.
The examination takes place in 2 days and covers a written part (day 1) and an oral part (day 2). The written part typically consists of questions prepared by each member of the Comprehensive Examination Committee on their respective topic. The oral examination is usually given 2 days after the written examination and it tests the candidate’s ability to present a cogent defense of the written examination. The examination may be retaken once if the student does not pass it on the first attempt.