Graduate Program Overview

The chemistry department offers M.S. and Ph.D. graduate programs in analytical, inorganic, organic, or physical chemistry. In recent years about eight students per year have received the Ph.D.—the size of the student body makes for close faculty-student contacts and an informal, stimulating atmosphere.

It is of note that we also offer an Accelerated Masters Program in Chemistry. The educational philosophy of the department allows for considerable flexibility in a student's graduate program. You may take courses in fields outside the department, such as biochemistry, pharmacology, physics, mathematics, environmental science, and other science areas in a program tailored to your interests and needs. In the chemistry department, courses are offered in inorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical inorganic chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, heterocyclic chemistry, advanced analytical chemistry, optical spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, quantum chemistry, and polymer chemistry.


Ariel Schuelke-Sanchez


In 2017, Ariel Schuelke-Sanchez gave an oral presentation describing her research findings to an international audience at the Bioinorganic Chemistry conference in California. Under the guidance of Professor Matt Liptak, Ariel has figured out how to coax new reactivity out of a recombinant enzyme she has expressed in Escherichia coli. This recombinant enzyme catalyzes the insertion of cobalt into a ring-shaped molecule called porphyrin. These findings have important implications for our fundamental understanding of metal trafficking in biological systems.

Dan Bercovici, Nezar Al-Bataineh, Ramya Srinivasan, and Ram Dhakal


UVM chemistry graduate students Dan Bercovici, Nezar Al-Bataineh, Ramya Srinivasan, and Ram Dhakal recently published an article in the Journal of the American Chemical Society under the guidance of Professor Matthias Brewer. Based upon isotopic labeling, and computational analysis, the research team was able to elucidate the mechanism of a novel carbon–hydrogen insertion reaction. This insight was critical because it will enable researchers to design new chemical reactions.

Rebecca Harvey


Rebecca Harvey received her Ph.D. in 2015 as a member of Professor Giuseppe Petrucci's laboratory for her research with atmospheric aerosols. She has gone on to a prestigious post-doctoral appointment with Prof. Paul Shepson at Purdue University, a globally recognized leader in the measurement of atmospheric methane (and other greenhouse gases) using airborne platforms.

Applicant Qualifications

We evaluate applications based on transcript information, statement of purpose, and recommendation letters in order to develop an understanding of an applicant's likelihood of succeeding in our program. Most successful graduate students started with a strong background in all four sub-disciplines of chemistry, and many engaged in research during their undergraduate careers. Non-traditional students, such as those who worked in the chemical industry after graduation, have also been successful. 

UVM undergraduates who will be graduating and wish to enter our graduate program are not admitted to the Ph.D. program. We feel that diversity of experience is important in professional development, so we encourage our undergraduates to go on to other nationally recognized programs. However, we do admit occasional UVM undergraduates to our master’s program for two reasons: to allow undergraduate biochemistry majors to take chemistry coursework to prepare them for a Ph.D. program in chemistry and to allow students who have significant ties to the Burlington area to remain for an additional time.

Placement Exams
  • New grad students take exams in analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry.
  • Exams are standardized by the American Chemical Society.
  • Appropriate course work is offered to strengthen any student weakness that may appear from the exams.
  • Please check the PhD, MS (PDF), and AMP (PDF) Guidelines, as well as the IDP template (DOC) for more details.
Research Orientation
  • Our faculty present a series of talks which describe their research interests.
  • New graduate students attend these talks and then discuss specific research interests with individual faculty members.
  • Students normally make a decision regarding their research direction and specific advisor around the end of November of the first year.
Learning Outcomes - M.S.

Upon completion of the M.S. degree, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a breadth of fundamental knowledge in chemistry.
  • Master a chemical field of specialization.
  • Develop the ability to critically analyze and critique the chemical literature.
  • Execute an original research project, critically analyze research data, and effectively communicate the results in both oral and written formats.

Students who have submitted applications by January 1 will receive priority consideration for admission into the graduate program.