Structure, function, and reproduction of plants. Fundamental aspects of plant science with implications of botanical knowledge needed for applied plant sciences. Credit not given for both PBIO 004 and BIOL 001.

Credit(s): 0.00 or 4.00

Evaluation of the impact of plants on the aesthetic, cultural, social, medical, and religious lives of peoples of the world. Botany and Biological Science majors will not receive credit for PBIO 006 as part of program distribution requirements.

Credit(s): 3.00

Provides a hands-on exploration of the unique biodiversity found in the tropical Andes and the Galápagos Islands, while studying ideas of how this great diversity came to be, and examining conservation efforts employed to protect it. Prerequisites: Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 3.00

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 18.00

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 18.00

Study of the plant as a whole, growth and development, water and mineral relations, environmental factors, and regulatory processes. Prerequisites: BCOR 011 and BCOR 012, or BIOL 001 and BIOL 002, or BCOR 021; and CHEM 031 and CHEM 032, or CHEM 023 and CHEM 026, or CHEM 031 and CHEM 026; or Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 0.00 or 4.00

Evolutionary relationships of vascular plants as inferred from plant structure, ecology, geography, and reproductive biology. Synthesis includes both fossil and extant groups. Prerequisites: PBIO 004, BIOL 002, BCOR 012, or BCOR 021, or Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 0.00 or 4.00

Collection and identification of ferns and flowering plants; survey of prominent Vermont plant families; plant nomenclature, classification, and phylogeny; species concepts and speciation; floral function. Prerequisites: PBIO 004 or BIOL 002 or BCOR 012 or BCOR 021 or Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 0.00 or 4.00

Introduction to the causes of agricultural and forest plant diseases including examination of the relationship of the plant, pathogen, and environment in disease development and disease management. Prerequisites: PBIO 004, or BIOL 001 and BIOL 002, or BCOR 011 and BCOR 012, or BCOR 021, or Instructor permission. Cross-listed with: PSS 117.

Credit(s): 0.00 or 4.00

The overarching course question is the following: How can plants be used to design sustainable solutions to problems resulting from existing, unsustainable practices in agriculture, energy, and health? Prerequisites: BIOL 001 and BIOL 002, or BCOR 011 and BCOR 012, or PBIO 004, or PBIO 006.

Credit(s): 3.00

Introduction to the structural and developmental anatomy of roots, stems, and leaves, including basic tissue types, vascular anatomy, woody plant anatomy, and reproductive anatomy. Prerequisites: BIOL 001 or BCOR 011 or BCOR 021.

Credit(s): 3.00

Collect, identify and study major fungal groups, especially basidiomycetes (mushrooms, rusts and smuts), ascomycetes (cup fungi, yeasts and mildews), and affiliated taxa. Extensive field and lab work, with thematic lectures. Prerequisite: PBIO 004 or BIOL 002 or BCOR 12 or BCOR 021 or Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 4.00

Exploring biological processes at the molecular level and how they are controlled. Topics include enzymes, gene expression, and metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Restricted to Nutrition and Food Sciences and Dietetics, Nutrition and Food Sciences majors; others by Instructor permission. Prerequisite: CHEM 042; or CHEM 141 and CHEM 142; or other acceptable coursework in organic chemistry. Cross-listed with: NFS 183.

Credit(s): 3.00

Introduction to techniques used to explore fundamental biochemical concepts including enzyme kinetics, lipids, carbohydrate chemistry, and gene expression. Includes Includes spectrophotometry, gel electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry. Pre/co-requisite: PBIO 185, BIOC 201, or NFS 183. Cross-listed with: ASCI 187, NFS 187.

Credit(s): 1.00

Provides a hands-on exploration of the unique biodiversity found in the tropical Andes and the Galápagos Islands, while studying ideas of how this great diversity came to be, and examining conservation efforts employed to protect it. Prerequisites: BCOR 011 and BCOR 012 or BIOL 001 and 002; Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 3.00

On-site supervised work experience combined with a structured academic learning plan directed by a faculty member or a faculty-staff team in which a faculty member is the instructor of record, for which academic credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 18.00

Undergraduate student service as a teaching assistant, usually in an introductory level course in the discipline, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 3.00

A course which is tailored to fit the interests of a specific student, which occurs outside the traditional classroom/laboratory setting under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 18.00

For Arts and Sciences Seniors.

Credit(s): 3.00

For Arts and Sciences Seniors.

Credit(s): 3.00

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 18.00

Individual projects under direction of a faculty member. Project may involve original research, readings, or apprenticeships. Prerequisites: Junior/Senior standing; Department permission. One to six hours.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 6.00

Undergraduate student work on individual or small team research projects under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion. Prerequisites: Department permission.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 18.00

Evolutionary biology; a survey of New England ferns and discussion of their phylogenic relationships; current research emphasizing morphological, biogeographical, genetic, and phytochemical aspects of speciation. Prerequisite: PBIO 108 or PBIO 109 (BCOR 101 recommended).

Credit(s): 3.00

Plant sociology; structure and organization of the plant community; sampling methods and analysis of data; climatic and edaphic factors; field work. Prerequisite: PBIO 109 or Department permission.

Credit(s): 0.00 to 3.00

Pattern and process in natural systems. Weekly discussion of unifying questions in science. Field labs teach sampling and analysis of vegetation, soils, and animals. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or several university courses in earth sciences, life sciences, and chemistry.

Credit(s): 3.00

Students negotiate a contract, work as a team, and map and inventory forested natural areas as they apply problem solving skills to Vermont environmental project. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. One to three hours.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 3.00

Intensive field trip to Costa Rica with the goal of comparing the diversity of flowering plants and ferns in four distinct tropical American forests. Emphasis on field recognition of flowering-plant families, with an appreciation of the relationship between the Costa Rican people and their landscape. Prerequisites: PBIO 109; Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 2.00

Principles and methods of angiosperm phylogeny. Recent systematic and evolutionary research on flowering plants; survey of tropical flowering plant families. Student presentations on recent research. Prerequisite: PBIO 109.

Credit(s): 3.00

Introduction to the optics, construction, and care of the light microscope. Theory of phase and interference contrast, fluorescence, and video methods. Prerequisites: One year of Physics or Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 1.00

Study of how environmental and life-history characteristics of plants determine the dynamics and evolution of populations. Prerequisite: BCOR 102 or Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 3.00

Concepts in plant structure and development. Biophysics of plant structure and pattern-formation. Introduction to methods of plant microscopy and microtechnique. Prerequisites: PBIO 104, PBIO 108, introductory Physics, or Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 3.00

Survey of global climate change including its causes, mechanisms, and ecological and societal impacts. Prerequisite: BCOR 102 or Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 3.00

Presentations of personal research by faculty, graduate students, and outside guest speakers. Attendance required of plant biology Graduate students and Seniors in botanical research programs. Without credit.

Credit(s): 0.00

Presentations of personal research by faculty, graduate students, and outside guest speakers. Attendance required of plant biology Graduate students and Seniors in botanical research programs. Without credit.

Credit(s): 0.00

On-site supervised work experience combined with a structured academic learning plan directed by a faculty member or a faculty-staff team in which a faculty member is the instructor of record, for which academic credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 18.00

Undergraduate student service as a teaching assistant, usually in an introductory level course in the discipline, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 3.00

A course which is tailored to fit the interests of a specific student, which occurs outside the traditional classroom/laboratory setting under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 18.00

Provides an introduction to process-based modeling of ecological systems. Explores system dynamics and agent-based approaches to modeling ecological systems and processes. Includes a focus on the system dynamics modeling software Stella and the agent-based language Netlogo. Prerequisite: BCOR 102 or Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 3.00

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 18.00

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 18.00

Individual projects under direction of a faculty member, including original research and readings. Prerequisites: Junior/Senior standing; Department permission.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 6.00

Undergraduate student work on individual or small team research projects under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion. Prerequisite: Department permission.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 18.00

Culmination of the Plant Biology major; draws together the disciplines of plant biology presented in previous coursework and other student experiences into a single over-arching perception of plant biology and its role in the world; prepares Plant Biology majors for post-graduate success. Prerequisites: Plant Biology major; Senior standing or Junior standing if graduating in December.

Credit(s): 1.00

Advanced survey of cell organelles, their composition, origin, and the relationship between their structure and function. Emphasis on recent literature and current controversies. Prerequisites: CHEM 142, Graduate standing in Biology or Instructor permission. Cross-listed with: BIOL 301, CLBI 301.

Credit(s): 3.00

Landscape analysis; planning and designing field projects; integrated problem solving. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the Field Naturalist program. Variable hours up to three.

Credit(s): 0.00 to 3.00

Basics of good writing, essay and report writing, as published in both popular and professional journals in the environment and natural resources. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Cross-listed with: NR 333.

Credit(s): 1.00

Writing workshop that explores essay and report writing, as published in both popular and professional journals that examine the natural world and its resources. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. Cross-listed with: NR 334.

Credit(s): 1.00

Identification of flowering plants and ferns; survey of prominent Vermont plant families; natural communities, ecological determinants of plant distribution, especially soils; preparation of herbarium specimens. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing; Instructor Permission.

Credit(s): 3.00

Subject matter varies. Topics will stress current graduate student and faculty research interests in a journal review or presentation-discussion format. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 4.00

Subject matter varies. Topics will stress current graduate student and faculty research interests in a journal review or presentation-discussion format. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 4.00

Credit as arranged.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 10.00

Credit as arranged.

Credit(s): 0.00 to 3.00

A course which is tailored to fit the interests of a specific student, which occurs outside the traditional classroom/laboratory setting under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 18.00

Introduction to data modeling using R statistical computing language, emphasizing likelihood, information theoretic, and Bayesian approaches to inference. Course focuses on the R language as a tool for data modeling. Class time divided between lectures that introduce statistical concepts and R language constructs and labs that stress applications. Successful participants will have some statistical background. Prerequisite: A course in introductory statistics.

Credit(s): 3.00

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 18.00

Credit as arranged.

Credit(s): 1.00 to 15.00