For students aspiring to launch their own businesses, University of Vermont (UVM) Grossman School of Business (GSB) offers one of the best programs for entrepreneurship studies. That’s according to The Princeton Review and Entrepreneur magazine, which ranked UVM’s Grossman School of Business as one of its Top 50 Graduate Entrepreneurship Programs of 2025 showing “a major commitment to entrepreneurship.”

The Princeton Review also reports the schools on its top 50 lists that ranked highest within their regions, specifically the International, Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, South, Southwest, and West regions. The Grossman School of Business is ranked 8 on the Northeast Graduate list.

“This ranking affirms our commitment to educating students with an entrepreneurial mindset—those  aspiring to start their own sustainable ventures and/or those who become changemakers and entrepreneurs by leading sustainable change within the organizations they work for,” said Sanjay Sharma, Dean of the Grossman School of Business.

SI-MBA students presenting their Practicum pitches.

The Princeton Review's profile of Grossman School describes it ‘All of the professors are “caring of students and experts in their field,” and the majority give “outstanding lectures” and are committed to “superior focus on sustainability, social responsibility and emerging markets” that underlies the mission of the Sustainability MBA.’

The Princeton Review continues, “For students considering a career as an entrepreneur, we strongly recommend Grossman as well as the other exceptional schools that made our lists for 2025," said Rob Franek, The Princeton Review's editor in chief. “Their faculties are outstanding. Their programs have robust experiential components. Their students receive mentoring and networking support that will serve them well into their careers.” 

SI-MBA students presenting their Practicum pitch

"Entrepreneurship often begins in the classroom, which is why prominent colleges and universities are prioritizing entrepreneurial training," says Jason Feifer, editor in chief of Entrepreneur magazine. "These institutions offer the support, knowledge, and tools to shape ambitious people into impactful leaders. We hope this ranking helps future students find the right university, and therefore the right launching pad, for their world-changing ideas."

The Princeton Review ranking goes on to praise GSB with, “Connections with business leaders committed to sustainability are incredibly strong—many consulted in the development of the program—and 98 percent of students have jobs within six months of graduation. The companies that recruit here understand that students wish ’to use business as a force for good,’ leading to happy careers for capable students.”

Learn more about the Sustainable Innovation MBA at the University of Vermont Grossman School of Business by visiting