The University of Vermont Grossman School of Business is gearing up to host of the “World Cup of Family Business.” The 12th annual Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition (or SG-FECC) will take place in Burlington, VT from January 8 – 11, 2025. Teams from all around the world will convene as they've done for more than a decade to compete against each other presenting solutions to dilemmas faced by family enterprises.

This competition is especially meaningful because, while the teams are competing against each other, there is a sense of camaraderie and friendship between teams. The students present their solutions to a panel of family business owners, scholars, and professionals. Competitors use this as an opportunity to network, fine-tune their presentation skills, and perform under pressure. 

The 2025 Competition 

During SG-FECC, teams in both undergraduate and graduate divisions will be given cases related to family businesses. Teams receive a pre-arrival case, which they present on the first day of the competition and which they can use outside resources. In the days that follow, the teams receive their case and are then given four hours to prepare without outside contact. Competitors work as a team to come up with the best solution to the key problems facing family enterprises. Students then present their solutions to a panel of family business owners, scholars, and professionals. This year there are 24 competing universities representing 15 countries that will travel to Burlington, Vermont. 

A Student-Driven Event 

Another special aspect is that SG-FECC is first and foremost a student-driven event. Students get hands-on experience and leadership opportunities to put on a top-notch event. The competition itself is organized by the SG-FECC Leadership Team (or LT) which comprises a group of students, faculty, and staff. 14 Student Leadership Coordinators work across four functional teams, including Website, Media, & Communications; Judge Recruitment & Communications; Event Planning & Logistics; and Competition, Recruitment, & IT. 

There are other ways for UVM students to get involved and gain valuable leadership skills. Each year nearly 50 Ambassadors, Room Coordinators, and Facilitators support SG-FECC. Ambassadors have an especially critical role as they are the first point of contact for competing teams and support their designated team throughout the entire competition.

Gaining Leadership Skills 

I first learned about SG-FECC when fellow students sent out a call for Ambassadors. It struck me as an excellent experiential learning opportunity to network with people from around the world, get a glimpse into case competitions, and develop essential business and leadership skills. At SG-FECC in 2023, I served as the main point-of-contact for Bishop’s University from Quebec, Canada. I escorted the team around the competition and around our beautiful city—Burlington, Vermont.  

After my first experience with SG-FECC as an Ambassador, I was nominated to join the SG-FECC Leadership Team where I've since gained invaluable hard and soft skills. SG-FECC has been a place for me to apply the things I learn in the classroom and develop the skills to be successful in the workforce. The Leadership Team has also given me the opportunity to work closely with faculty and staff from the Grossman School of Business, as well as many networking opportunities. Most importantly I’ve learned about communication, organization, teamwork, and how to effectively market a professional event. 

I encourage you to learn more about the work our student Leadership Team does by following SG-FECC on LinkedIn as well as GSB's Instagram for live-time updates. Be sure to check out the SG-FECC on for information, access to official results and livestream, and other SG-FECC updates that are shared! 

About the Author 

Noah Burnham is a Junior at the University of Vermont studying computer science and mathematics. He is a Senior Leadership Coordinator on the SG-FECC Leadership Team, an analyst for the Catamount Innovation Fund, and a volunteer at the on-campus food pantry. Noah loves aviation, software engineering, and skiing. He aspires to lead a meaningful career in software engineering or entrepreneurship.