Minor in Business Administration | Grossman School of Business | The University of Vermont(title)

A minor in Business Administration is one of two business minors available at the University of Vermont. To be awarded a minor in Business Administration, a student must earn at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA in the Business Minor courses.

Why Minor in Business Administration?

Pursuing a Business Administration Minor at the Grossman School of Business provides a well-rounded education and increases career opportunities. Strong business knowledge is a valued professional asset that can help set you apart for employers, hone your workplace skills, and open up new career paths.

Prerequisites and Requirements


For catalog years 2017 and later:

4 prerequisite/co-requisites courses completed with an overall 2.00 GPA or higher and no grade lower than a C-:

  • ECON 1400 – Macroeconomics (EC 011)
  • ECON 1450 – Microeconomics (EC 012)
  • MATH 1234 or MATH 1212 Calculus I or Fundamentals of Calculus I (MATH 019 or 021)
  • STAT 1410 – Basic Statistical Methods 1 (STAT 141)

*For students whose majors require a Statistics course, the following courses are approved as substitutes for STAT 1410: EC 170, NR 2400, PSYS 2002, (formerly PSYS 053) & PSYS 2010 (formerly PSYC 054), STAT 2430.

Students can be admitted to the minor after completing either ECON 1400 OR ECON 1450, and MATH 1234 OR MATH 1212 each with a C- or better.  The remaining Economics & STAT course (or equivalent) are still required to complete the minor.

5 Additional Business Courses

Students must complete BUS 1610 - Financial Accounting (BSAD 060) 3 credits, plus four additional business courses (3 credits each). At least three of the four must be business courses numbered 2000 or above. Students may complete one course from the following: BUS 1101, Approved Special Topics. View additional business courses.

Computer Competency

Students are presumed to have basic computer literacy, including a working knowledge of word processing and spreadsheet software. Students lacking this basic knowledge are responsible for attaining it through course work, self-study, tutorials or workshops.

Business Administration and Accounting minors are charged a $75/semester Business School Technology fee. This fee covers installation of Microsoft products on your computer (including Windows & Office Professional), 24/7 access to our Computer Labs in Kalkin, free printing, and software & hardware support in Kalkin 234.

Apply for a Minor in Business Administration

First, check with your Dean's Office to determine if the minor in Business Administration is accepted by your School or College and will be possible within your remaining degree requirements. Once you have the prerequisites complete the Minor Application Form (requires login).

More Information

Please contact the Grossman School of Business Center for Student Success with questions. An advisor can review the Business Administration Minor Program with you and answer your questions.

The Grossman School of Business Center for Student Success
100 Kalkin Hall
gsbcss@uvm.edu, (802) 656-4015