For assistance in creating an assessment plan or filling out an E1A or E1B form, you can contact Emily Manetta (, Provost’s Faculty Fellow for Assessment, or the Unit Assessment Coordinator for your college or school (listed on the Contact page).
- Annual Assessment Report
(Due to your Unit Assessment Coordinator 2/1/2021 -- *next deadline 9/30/21)
Assessment plan template (DOCX)
SAMPLE assessment plan (DOCX)
- Blank assessment plan charts:
- 3 year cycle
3-year blank plan (docx)
- 4 year cycle
4-year blank plan (docx)
- 5 year cycle
5-year blank plan (docx)
- 3 year cycle
- NEASC Forms (for chairs/program directors):
E1A form (DOC)(for programs that are not externally accredited)
E1B form (DOC) (for externally accredited programs)
- Curriculum Mapping Tools:
Intro to Assessment Plan Form (pdf)
- Creating an Assessment Plan and Cycle (2020)
- Intro to Curriculum Mapping-2020 (PDF)
- Intro to Grad Program Assessment-2020 (PDF)
- Overview of Direct Assessment-2020 (PDF)
- Data and Metrics for Assessment - 2021 [PPT file] [recorded workshop link]
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Assessment -- 2021 [PPT file] [recorded workshop link]
- Preparing an Annual Assessment Report -- 2021 [PPT file]
Office of Institutional Research (OIR): The OIR website offers institutional-level data sets from UVM sources.
UVM is currently customizing Stassen et al.’s manual, Program-based Review and Assessment (PDF). The UVM version of the manual will be available soon, but the version available on the University of Massachusetts, Amherst website provides excellent ideas and resources for developing a program assessment plan.
Workshops: See the Workshops and Announcements page for information about our workshops. If you would like help or other resources, contact Anil Lalwani (