Mission and History



The Writing in the Disciplines Program mission is to support instructors who help make writing a significant and meaningful part of each students’ undergraduate experience. WID offers variety, breadth, and depth of programming, some open to all instructors and others tailored to departments, always aiming to reduce barriers to participation. 

Our programming introduces and reinforces principles about teaching and learning, creates connections among colleagues, connects instructors to resources, explores best practices in nurturing disciplinary writing, supports faculty writing, and addresses campus priorities.



Established in 2008, The Writing in the Disciplines Program has its roots in decades of writing across the curriculum work led by Toby Fulwiler, Professor of English and Director of the Faculty Writing Project from 1984 to 2002. Fulwiler's work had a profound impact on faculty attitudes about the importance of writing for learning. Current WID efforts build on that foundation to continue the tradition of individual faculty development around writing and to develop attention to writing within departments and schools. WID has reported to the Provost since it's inception and became part of the newly-formed Division of Faculty Affairs in 2021.


Why WID?


Writing is integral to achieving learning outcomes, and is therefore an essential part of students’ education in every academic discipline. As students progress through their courses of study, advanced courses should build on first-year composition to provide specialized training, introduce students to discipline-specific ways of thinking, writing, and researching, and connect students to professional expectations.

WID programs support this process through a focus on writing in the majors and advanced courses, providing both professional development experiences for faculty and instructional support for students.