Incident and Claim Reporting Procedures

Incident and claim reporting procedures are designed for faculty, staff and students to promptly report any accidents, injuries, incidents of concern or damage to property. In the event of an emergency, call 911 or contact UVM Police Services at 802-656-3473 if you are on campus.

Incident and Claim Reporting Procedures

It is everyone’s responsibility to promptly report any accidents, injuries, incidents of concern or damage to property to Risk Management in a timely fashion. Review and familiarize yourself with the information below before an incident occurs.

All Employer First Report of Injury (PDF) forms should be completed and submitted using UVM's File Transfer Service to: Review the accordion below regarding employee vs. student injuries. 

The State of Vermont requires employee injuries to be reported to the Department of Labor within 72 hours. We appreciate you reporting your injury to Risk Management as soon as you can to assist us in complying. 

Incident and Claim Reporting Procedures

Work-related Injury of UVM Employee

Call 9-1-1 if immediate emergency care is needed. Ambulance services will generally be on scene within minutes.

Employees who need non-emergency medical attention should report to one of two UVM occupational health service providers:

  1. Concentra Medical Center: located at 7 Fayette Road in South Burlington, 802-658-5756, or
  2. Champlain Medical Urgent Care: located at 150 Kennedy Drive, South Burlington, 802-448-9370.

If you are a UVM employee who has had a work-related injury or illness (a condition that develops over time, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or tendinitis), report it immediately to your Supervisor. Your supervisor must complete an Employer First Report of Injury (PDF) and use UVM's File Transfer Service to submit the form to as soon as possible.

UVM is required by the VT Department of Labor to submit this form to the state within 72 hours. Visit Workers' Compensation for more detailed information about this process. 

Injury of Students and Non-UVM Affiliates

Non-UVM affiliates or UVM students who have had an injury during a UVM sponsored activity or class, should report to Risk Management promptly. This includes slips and falls, significant athletic injuries, significant chemical exposures, injuries to patients by student interns, injuries to students in labs, etc.

Call 9-1-1 if immediate emergency care is needed. Ambulance services will generally be on scene within minutes. Students should go to the UVM Center for Health and Wellbeing for non-emergency medical care.

An incident report form should be completed and promptly submitted to

Automobile Accident Involving a UVM-Owned or Leased Vehicle

This procedure delineates the process that should be followed by UVM affiliates in the event of an automobile accident involving UVM-owned or leased vehicles. UVM affiliates include UVM staff, faculty and students. It excludes non-employee spouses, alumni and volunteers.

Departmental employees involved in auto accidents are expected to cooperate with Risk Management to promptly investigate, settle and mitigate the extent of the claims.

In the Event of an Auto Accident

  • Notify local police. If on campus, notify UVM Police Services at 656-3473. Risk management must have a UVM or local police report verifying that an accident occurred.
  • Contact the Risk Management Department within THREE days. Risk Management’s claims adjuster will take your statement to obtain details of the accident, parties involved, and estimates of the cost to repair the UVM vehicle.
  • Notify your supervisor.
  • If vehicle is a leased or rented vehicle, notify the rental company immediately. Failure to do so will void the terms of your rental contract, including any insurance coverage provided under the contract. This may in turn jeopardize UVM's insurance coverage, making the Department responsible for the entire loss.
  • In all claims situations, do not admit fault, or liability. Do not sign a statement admitting responsibility for damages or injury. Obtain the facts of the situation and submit them to
  • If the accident has caused injury to an employee during the course of normal working hours, that employee must complete a Employer First Report of Injury Form (PDF) and use UVM's File Transfer Service to submit the form to within 72 hours, when possible.

Further Information on Accidents Involving a UVM-Owned or Leased Vehicle and Claims over $1000.00

  • Damage to UVM-owned and long-term lease vehicles are subject to a $1,000 deductible per occurrence. (Department to whom vehicle is assigned is responsible for deductible.)
  • If short-term rental vehicle, and Department did not buy collision damage waiver from the rental company, UVM's $1,000 deductible applies. Otherwise, submit invoice for damage to the rental company directly.
Property Damage

The University self-insures itself against losses or damage to University property. All property claims are subject to a $1,000 deductible. The deductible must be covered by the department that owns the property. This deductible may be waived if loss is due to a building or facilities failure.

Personal property is not covered by University insurance. Employees and students should leave personal belongings home or insure their personal belongings on a homeowner’s or renter's insurance policy. The University of Vermont reserves the right to subrogate against any student or guest(s) of a student whose actions or inactions are the direct cause of injury to persons or damage to University property or student personal property.

To report a property damage claim, contact within 72 hours of knowledge of loss or damage. Also follow up with a written email or statement. Include the following information: 

  • Date of occurrence
  • Detailed information regarding the property damaged or stolen
  • Make, model and serial numbers and/or Asset tag/RID tag numbers (if available)
  • Replacement cost substantiation. An original Invoice for the purchase of item is best. Note: Payment to replace stolen or damaged equipment will not be made until proof of charges is received by Risk Management. Departments are responsible for replacing stolen or damaged equipment within a reasonable time frame. Otherwise, Risk Management reserves the right to close the claim without payment
Reporting of Concerns, Near Misses or Other Incidents

The University is strongly committed to fostering a culture of safety and excellence; all employees and students have a role in achieving this goal. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to report the following:

  • Incidents,
  • Near misses,
  • Situations that may involve unsafe conditions or violate of the University’s Code of Business Conduct,
  • Other policy standards, or legal requirements, and any other concerns about safety or risk at UVM.

This will help Risk Management follow up with injured persons swiftly and will help ensure that proper medical care has been received. Reporting also helps to prevent similar incidents from taking place in the future. 

A "near miss" is defined as an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage–but had the potential to do so. Reporting near misses is critical to preventing future incidents.

Report concerns, near-misses and other incidents by emailing or  See the information below if you wish to report anonymously.

Employee Rights in Reporting Workplace Hazards and Concerns

If an employee believes a hazard exists, that employee should report the hazard to their direct supervisor. If no action is taken to correct the situation, the employee should notify Risk Management directly at An employee has the right to file a complaint and request a VOSHA inspection if they believe there is a serious hazard or their employer is not following OSHA standards; however, the employee should make a ‘good-faith effort’ to have the hazards corrected by a supervisor or other UVM entity first. Risk Management personnel are available to help resolve safety problems and to interpret VOSHA regulations for all departments. Complaints from workers or their representatives are taken seriously by VOSHA and will keep the information confidential and can be filed at VOSHA.

In case of an impending VOSHA inspection, an employee may accompany the VOSHA compliance officer during the inspection. Risk Management personnel should also accompany the inspector.

An employee may also file a complaint with VOSHA if s/he believes s/he has been discriminated against because of exercising any of these rights.

These and other stipulations are contained in the VOSHA regulations, copies of which can be obtained through Risk Management or at OSHA.

Anonymous Reporting

Reports that are emailed to, or will be handled in confidence, but they are not anonymous. Use UVM's Ethics and Compliance Reporting Helpline to anonymously report any concerns.