Protection of Minors

UVM is committed to ensuring the safety for all minors participating in UVM-sponsored activities.


UVM provides facilities and resources for numerous educational programs and other activities for minors, taking place both on and off-campus, including:

  • athletic, music or academic camps
  • 4-H activities
  • secondary school student visits
  • mentoring programs 
  • admitted student overnight stays in Res Halls
  • research activities
  • internships

In order to provide a safe environment and mitigate risk of harm to minors who participate in University-sponsored activities, UVM has adopted a Protecting Minors Policy.  Familiarize yourself with the best practices, policies and processes detailed within the content links below.  If you have additional questions, email


Protection of Minors Program/Event Registration Process

The safety and well-being of minor children visiting UVM facilities and participating in University-sponsored programs requires vigilance and adherence to policies and procedures. All programs and activities involving minors at UVM must be registered with and reviewed by Risk Management at least 30 days prior to the first scheduled date of participation by minors. Failure to register in a timely manner may prevent your event from taking place. Registration of a University-sponsored event involving minors is done through this link: Registration Form for Programs and Activities Involving Minors.

Background Check Requirements

Any UVM staff, faculty, student, affiliate or volunteer who will have care, custody, or control over an unaccompanied or unchaperoned minor must have a background check completed prior to the start of the UVM sponsored program. UVM Human Resources is responsible for performing criminal background checks consistent with legal requirements and generally accepted practices. At a minimum, the background check should include address history, county and federal criminal court reds for all locations in the address history report, and a national criminal check that includes multi-jurisdictional criminal data, OFAC, national security sources, and sex offender registry data. Requests for background checks should be submitted to Human Resources via email:

Protection of Minors Online Training/Education

Any UVM staff, faculty, student, affiliate or volunteer who will have care, custody, or control over an unaccompanied or unchaperoned minor must complete on-line Protecting Minors Training through United Educators prior to the start of the UVM-sponsored program.  This on-line training is approximately 45-minutes long and contains three separate modules designed to assist staff, faculty and students with strategies to provide a safe environment for minors and recognize the types and signs of potential abuse.  The link for this training can be found from United Educators.

In completing the New User Registration, you will need a “Branch Code” which is 742-90081.

Reporting Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Minors

UVM seeks to create a secure environment for minors. It is therefore essential that all persons who have responsibilities that involve interaction with children in a UVM program or activity abide by the requirements of the University’s Minors, Reporting Abuse or Neglect of and Crimes Procedure. All child abuse incidents that occur involving minors and children in UVM programs must be reported for investigation, regardless of the severity of the event.

Reporting Required by Law

Under Vermont law (33 VSA § 4913), the professionals who have mandatory reporting obligations with respect to the possible abuse or neglect of a minor include: 

  • Health care providers, such as physicians, resident physicians, interns, surgeons, osteopaths, chiropractors, physician’s assistants, hospital administrators, nurses, emergency medical personnel, medical examiners, dentists, psychologists, and pharmacists 
  • School district and intendent school employees, such as school superintendents, teachers and student teachers, school librarians, school principals, and school guidance counselors 
  • Childcare workers
  • Mental health professionals 
  • Social workers 
  • Employees, contractors, and grantees of the agency of human services who have contact with clients 
  • Probation officers and police officers 
  • Camp owners, camp administrators or counselors of both residential and nonresidential camps 
  • Members of the clergy 

The report must be made within 24 hours, and can be done by calling the DCF Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-649-5285.

Crimes Against Minors on University Property

Certain University officials (“Campus Security Authorities”) are required by a federal law known as the Clery Act to report to University Police Services any suspected sexual assault or other crime that occurs on University Property. Additionally, such University officials are required by federal law to report to the Office of Equal Opportunity any and all allegations of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct involving a member of the University community. In this reporting capacity, University officials are referred to as “Responsible Employees”. These reporting obligations include, but are not limited to, crimes as to which the victim is a minor. 

Campus Security Authorities and Responsible Employees include: 

  • Members of the University of Vermont Department of Police Services and contract security personnel
  • A supervisor, manager or higher-level employee
  • A chair, director or dean of an academic unit
  • Full and part-time faculty members 
  • Any University official who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings, coaches and coaching staff, advisors to recognized student organizations, and personnel with oversight responsibilities for student employees.

Campus Security Authorities and Responsible Employees must make a report to Police Services if and when they receive information that a crime in which the victim is a minor may have occurred on University Property. It does not matter whether the individuals involved in the possible crime as perpetrators or victims are members of the University community -- the incident must be reported even if no member of the University community was involved. Simultaneously, to the extent the incident at issue involves discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct, and one of the parties is a member of the University community, the CSA / Responsible Employee must also contact the Office of Equal Opportunity. 

Contact information is as follows: 

  • University Police Services - Emergency: 911. Non-emergency: (802) 656-3473
  • Office of Equal Opportunity - (802) 656-3368
Other Policies and Resources for Minors on Campus

Other policies, forms and procedures that may be applicable to a University-sponsored event involving minors may include the following:

University Contacts

For additional information or specific questions regarding minors on campus, you may reach out to the following departments: