Full-time Faculty
Jan K. Carney, MD, MPH
- 2017-2022 Northern New England Clinical and Translational Research Network Grant National Institutes of Health (NIH) (5-year grant of $20 million) to Maine Medical Center and Larner College of Medicine at UVM
Role: Core Director, Rural Health Research and Community Engagement Core - 2014 – 2018 New England Public Health Training Center (NEPHTC) Grant
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) (4-year grant $850,000 per year); Principal Investigator, University of Vermont Subcontract, $20,000 2015; $50,000 2016, 2017 - 2015-2017 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/AARP. “Vermont Action Coalition State Implementation Program – Future of Nursing” $150,000 (Co-PI)
Thomas Delaney, PhD, MA
- 2017-2022 Vermont Department of Mental Health (SAMHSA) (PI: Omland)
Vermont Application for Promoting Integration of Primary and Behavioral Health Care (SAMHSA CMHS SM-17-008). Year 1 total award: $185,000; Anticipated total period: $925,000 Role: PI on UVM evaluation contract - 2019-2021 University of Vermont Frymoyer Scholars Program (PI: Bell)
Firearm Injury Prevention Screening and Counseling
Year 1 total award: $13,107, Anticipated total award: $26,724; Role: Co-Investigator - 2014-2018 Vermont Department of Health (SAMHSA) (PI: Cimaglio)
Vermont Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Grant; Role: PI on UVM evaluation subcontract. Year 1 total award: $71,000; Total period: $200,000 - Dr. Thomas Delaney was awarded a grant from the CDC, and will serve as PI on the evaluation contract. This grant will include one or more MPH student internship opportunities.
2020-2025 Vermont Dept. of Health: Vermont Application for Comprehensive Suicide Prevention (CDC-RFA-CE20-2001).
Kelsey Gleason, ScD, MS
- 9/2021-8/2022 TGIR COBRE Pilot Research Projects – Gleason (PI)
Understanding the impacts of environmental factors on diarrheal disease in the world’s largest refugee camp. This research project seeks to investigate the role of the environment on diarrheal disease in Cox’s Bazar Refugee Camp, Bangladesh. The burden of diarrheal disease in the world’s largest refugee camp is widespread, with associated mortality and morbidity. The role of the environment in diarrheal disease is unknown.
Role: Principal Investigator - 5/2019-5/2020- Gund COVID-19 Rapid Research Fund – Panikkar (PI)
COVID-19 Crisis, State Policies, Executive Orders, and Socio-Environmental Health Disparities. This research investigates social and behavioral implications of the COVID-19 pandemic among marginalized populations in rural Vermont, with a particular focus on environmental health and the role of the environment.
Role: Co-Investigator - 5/2019-5/2020- Gund COVID-19 Rapid Research Fund – Bose (PI)
Environment, refugees and risk: mapping resilience and environmentally-induced vulnerability in camps. This cross-disciplinary collaborative research effort focuses on identifying and mapping environmental hazards that increase the vulnerability and susceptibility of refugees to COVID-19. The focus of this project is on the 10 largest refugee camps in the world, many of which experience repeated environmental disasters.
Role: Co-Investigator
Victoria Hart, PhD, MS
- 2017-2022 Northern New England Clinical and Translational Research Network Grant National Institutes of Health (NIH) (5-year grant of $20 million) to Maine Medical Center and Larner College of Medicine at UVM
- 2021 Teaching Academy Curriculum Development and Education Scholarship Award, Larner College of Medicine at UVM