Research Week

Celebrate UVM’s historic increase in sponsored research and commemorate UVM becoming a Top 100 Public Research University in the United States.

Research Week 2025

April 21


Electrify Vermont Summit

1:00 – 5:00 p.m. | Alumni House Silver Pavilion

The 2025 First Annual Electrify Vermont Summit will be an opportunity to bring together for the first-time all the different people, organizations, and businesses working to electrify Vermont’s heating, transportation, lawn care, and other sectors of our economy. With transportation and thermal the two biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in Vermont, electrification is a key climate strategy for the State to reach its emissions reduction goals. It also is the main strategy embodied in the federal Inflation Reduction Act which is providing funding, rebates, and incentives that complement state and utility incentives and programs to help Vermonters, including enhanced incentives and rebates for income-qualified Vermonters, to go electric. 

Join researchers, installers, policy-makers, businesses, non-profit organizations, utilities, students, and members of the public who want to support electrification! Check out the latest technologies on-site from electric lawn mowers, to heat pumps, battery storage, an electric bucket-truck, and EVs and e-bikes. Hear from experts about electrification strategies and policies, and how electrification can help you in your home, business, or organization to reduce emissions and stabilize energy costs. Network with leaders of the electrification effort in Vermont, and bring your questions and thoughts to the discussion!

April 22 | Earth Day


UVM Planetary Health Initiative Celebrates Earth Day

11:00 a.m. – Noon | Silver Maple Ballroom

a hand touches moss and rock

Come learn about the intriguing health patterns uncovered through UVM’s Lived Experiences Measured Using Rings Study (LEMURS), which used wearable biosensors to collect data from 600 UVM first-year students. We’ll break into small groups to discuss the study’s impactful findings, and how we can use them for the benefit of our community. The Planetary Health tradition continues: there will be donuts!

VACC Introduction to HPC for AI Workshop

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. | Innovation 310

Research Celebration Luncheon

11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. | Alumni House Silver Pavilion

This even is by invitation only.

VACC Open House

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. | VACC, South Burlington, Vermont

Vermont Advanced Computing Center Hardware

April 23


Student Research Conference

10:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Davis Center

Students discussing their research at a conference

Open to any UVM undergraduate, graduate, or medical student, the Student Research Conference, hosted by the Fellowships, Opportunities, and Undergraduate Research (FOUR) Office, showcases hundreds of students' research all day at the Davis Center.

Find Out More and Register for the SRC Here

Post-Doctoral Research Conference

More details to come.

2025 UVM Graduate College 3 Minute Thesis Competition

4:00 - 6:00 pm | Carpenter Auditorium – Given Medical Building

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is an internationally recognized research communication competition that challenges Ph.D. students to present a compelling oration on their research project and its significance in just 180 seconds, in language accessible to a non-specialist audience.  UVM’s first 3MT is a celebration of the discoveries made by our Ph.D. students and will allow the broader community to learn about ongoing research at UVM. The competition assists Ph.D. students with fostering effective presentation and research communication skills: it asks Ph.D. researchers to consolidate their ideas, crystallize their research discoveries, and capture the imagination of their audience. Competitors will be judged on comprehension, content, engagement, and communication.

Eligibility: All UVM Ph.D. students who have passed their candidacy examination by the date of the competition are eligible to participate in the 3MT competition.

Rules: present research in non-technical language to a general audience with only one static visual slide to accompany the speech.

Hosted by the Graduate College as part of UVM Research Week

Prizes: All contestants gains invaluable experience.

1st prize:  $750
2nd prize:  $500
People’s Choice Award: $250

For more information, visit the 3MT Event page.

April 24


Invention 2 Venture

1:00 - 5:00 p.m. | Alumni House Silver Pavilion

UVM Innovation's annual Invention 2 Venture (I2V) Conference pulls together dynamic experts, academic researchers, students, entrepreneurs and business leaders from across Vermont and New England to talk about how to protect, develop and finance your ideas.

Registration Details to Come

School of the Arts Celebration

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Royal Tyler Hall

More details to come.

Corporate Mixer

(by Invitation Only)

April 25


Planetary Health Research Slam

11:00 am - 1:00 pm | Waterman Memorial Room

Join us as we round out Research Week with Planetary Health Initiative Flash Talks featuring planetary health researchers from across the university. Nibbles and time to connect with fascinating colleagues will be provided!

Library Open House

1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. | Howe Library

UVM Libraries will host a special research open house to showcase the libraries’ services and resources that support research at UVM. Come and meet your librarians and staff and learn about how we can help you with your research, or simply explore our library and check out our cool multimedia services!

A bicycle drives by the library at night.