Positive Learning Environment, Personal Growth Opportunities
At Larner, faculty and students collaborate to enhance student life, addressing aspects from extracurricular activities to the curriculum. Offerings include interest groups, weekly yoga, intramural sports, talent shows, and Wellness Committee initiatives.
Student Wellbeing
At the Larner College of Medicine, we understand that medical school is a unique time filled with exciting and challenging new experiences. Our office seeks to promote the wellbeing of all students through dynamic and flexible resources and programming, as well as care that is accessible to all. Further, we aim to support students while also empowering them to explore their own vision of wellbeing. Our mission is guided by the tenets of Professionalism here at Larner. To build the health of our community, we are led by compassion for ourselves and for one another, and we bring kindness and respect to each of our interactions. Fostering our own wellbeing allows us to be humble and caring stewards for each other while maintaining excellence in patient care, research and education. We are committed to maintaining a learning environment that promotes equity and wellbeing amidst a spirit of collaboration. We strive to develop physicians who endeavor to find balance and wellness in a profession that is dedicated to the service of others. We prioritize a supportive environment that destigmatizes seeking help, where students can safely build the skills and resilience necessary for the practice of medicine. We are proud to support the Larner community with a philosophy of responsive and approachable care.

Student Voice
There are many opportunities lead initiatives in matters that are important to you. In the past few years, students have had a large say in curriculum changes, have started new interest groups, implemented new Wellness initiatives, and participated in community-wide events.
Ways Students Have an Active Voice on Campus (and Beyond):
- Student Council
- Wellness Committee
- Student Education Committees
- Student Ambassadors
- Student feedback about the Learning Environment
- Morning Coffee/Drop-in with the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education or designee
- Regular course and faculty evaluations
- Will be Advertised in the WeeklyWire
- Town Hall meetings
- Dining with the Deans

Meditation for the Medical Student
Medical school requires intense concentration and preparation, which can lead to insecurities and worries about the future, as a physician and in your personal life. Meditation can help foster new strengths and sources of calm for the medical student.
Click here for a detailed meditation resource guide prepared by Larner's Wellness experts (PDF).Contact Student Wellness
Assistant Director of Student Wellbeing • Assistant Professor of Psychology