MaKenna McBrierty

Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative (ALC) Undergraduate Fellow

PRONOUNS she/her

Makenna Mcbrierty
Pronouns she/her
Alma mater(s)
  • Major: Environmental Science, Concentration: Agriculture and the Environment


Hi all! My name is Makenna, and I use she/her pronouns. I was born in Winchester, MA but have been moving around since I was six years old, and by now have lived in seven states and one other country. So I suppose my origin is a little bit of everywhere, which definitely lends itself to fueling my passion for nurturing a deep connection with the ground which you stand on… wherever that may be. I’m an Environmental Science Major, Economics Minor, and have a concentration in Agriculture & the Environment! I joined the ALC because it is truly such an incredible leadership opportunity, and I’m really looking forward to the community building aspects and focuses on diverse knowledge acquisition. I’m hoping to go into the Sustainable Fashion industry after I graduate, and being able to join in this hands-on experience to see what it takes to grow materials – whether that be food or textiles – felt like the perfect fit for me. I’m so very excited!


Hi all! My name is Makenna, and I use she/her pronouns. I was born in Winchester, MA but have been moving around since I was six years old, and by now have lived in seven states and one other country. So I suppose my origin is a little bit of everywhere, which definitely lends itself to fueling my passion for nurturing a deep connection with the ground which you stand on… wherever that may be. I’m an Environmental Science Major, Economics Minor, and have a concentration in Agriculture & the Environment! I joined the ALC because it is truly such an incredible leadership opportunity, and I’m really looking forward to the community building aspects and focuses on diverse knowledge acquisition. I’m hoping to go into the Sustainable Fashion industry after I graduate, and being able to join in this hands-on experience to see what it takes to grow materials – whether that be food or textiles – felt like the perfect fit for me. I’m so very excited!