Education, Training and Leadership: Cultivating Agroecologists
Our education, training and programs support the cultivation of the next generation of agroecologists and agents of change for food system transformation. The Institute uses innovative learning and teaching approaches to support the growth and development of undergraduates, graduate students, professionals and community-based learners. As a complement to existing offerings on campus (like the agroecology undergraduate major), the Institute will provide a range of learning, capacity building and professional development opportunities.
Our programs include high impact learning for both undergraduate and graduate students, (e.g. a Bachelor of Science degree, summer courses, the Certificate and Micro-Certificate for Graduate Study in Agroecology), fellowship programs for undergraduates interested in agroecological research and extension (e.g. the Undergraduate Agroecology Fellowship, Agroecology Extension Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Program, etc.), supporting non-formal education initiatives, and continuing education opportunities for UVM faculty and staff. We will also provide leadership and training outside of UVM through participation and contributions in diverse networks, to support the adoption and application of participatory action research (PAR) in a range of contexts.