The Team
The Agroecology Support Team (AES) at the Institute for Agroecology provides tailored support in the form of advice, accompaniment, training, co-learning, systemization and research design-delivery. The focus is on enhancing endogenous capacity in organizations and territories – meeting people wherever they are at in the process of engaging with agroecology transitions – and will draw from our wide network of affiliate agroecologists across the world to provide mentoring and coaching and especially nurturing peer-to-peer and south-to-south support. For example, we currently provide support to the McKnight Foundation-funded Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems working across 12 countries.
Our Work
Through the Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems and its predecessor program, the Collaborative Crop Research Program, the McKnight Foundation has funded global agricultural research since the 1980s. The Institute for Agroecology provides expert guidance to the Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems program in its effort to direct its research agenda toward agroecological transformations.
Information on additional work coming soon!