Call for Papers
You are invited to submit an abstract for consideration as an oral presentation, or a poster on any aspect of forest ecosystem science, resource management, or public policy related to forest ecosystems and their use in Vermont.
Oral Presentations
A limited number of 15-minute slots are available on the program for contributed talks. Presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts, with priority given to presentations with particular relevance to VMC's forest ecosystem research and monitoring goals and mission (read more about VMC's mission) In the interest of sharing information regarding ongoing research, presentations on new research and preliminary data are welcome.
Please press the "Submit an Abstract" button below to send VMC your submission, or e-mail VMC with any questions.
Submissions are due by November 7, 2014. Those submissions not selected for oral presentations are encouraged to present posters. You will be notified by November 12, 2014 whether your submission is selected for presentation. All accepted abstracts will be published online as a part of the VMC Annual Conference Proceedings.
A poster session will be held during the social hour. If you wish to present a poster, press the "Submit a Poster" button below to submit your poster information to VMC, or e-mail VMC with any quesitons.
Submissions for posters are due by November 7, 2014.
Paper and poster submissions are now closed. Please contact Carl Waite with any questions or concerns