Maple Statistics

Each year, the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) prepares reports covering virtually every aspect of U.S. agriculture.

Want to help improve the accuracy of this data? Add your farm's statistics by participating in the NASS survey.

Maple Syrup: Total Production graph - The following graph shows U.S. and Vermont maple syrup production, from 1992 through 2024, and measured in thousands of gallons. The total 2024 U.S. crop was 5,860,000 gallons and Vermont's share of the total was 3,108,000 gallons. Vermont production represents 53 percent of the national total. 

Maple Syrup: Yield per Tap graph - The following graph shows U.S. and Vermont maple syrup yield per tap, from 2001 through 2024, and measured in gallons. The 2024 U.S. crop yield per tap was 0.342 gallons and Vermont's yield per tap was 0.370. 

Maple Syrup: Taps graph - The following graph shows U.S. and Vermont maple taps used, from 2001 through 2024, and measured in thousands of taps. In 2024, there were 17,121,000 taps used in the U.S. and 8,400,000 taps were used in Vermont. Vermont taps represent 49 percent of the national total. 

Sap Sales, 2023 graph - The following graph shows 2023 maple sap sales in the U.S., Vermont, Wisconsin, New York, New Hampshire, Michigan, and combined "other" areas, measured in thousands of gallons. There were 11,993,650 gallons sold in the U.S., and 8,447,000 gallons sold in Vermont. Sap sales in Vermont represent 70 percent of the national total. 

Relevant Links and Documents

Maple Data Dashboard

North American Data

Download NASS current and historic reports on maple syrup production (all in PDF format):
